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Foljambe, Cecil George Savile, b. 1846
A naval officer who served in the Pacific 1864-1867 and published an account of the perils and adventures he faced complete with maps and drawings. ...
Forbes, Arthur Slade, b. 1866
Artist who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1902 and 1903.
Forbes-Smith, Ira Eleanor Elizabeth, b. 1920
Designer of textiles, painter, china painter, leatherworker and art teacher. Forbes-Smith showed regularly with the Western Australian Women Painters and Applied Arts Society. In the ...
Ford, Gertrude E., b. 1873
Miss Ford was born around 1873. She was a painter in oils and on silk. Miss Ford was selected to exhibit wildflower paintings in the ...
Forrest, Margaret Elvire, b. 1844
Painter, botanical artist and the wife of John Forrest who was elected Premier of Western Australia in 1890. Margaret was also politically active and a ...
A teacher who was offering classes in 'drawing and perspective' at her Bagdad Seminary, Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania), in 1845.
Forsyth, George Andrew Duncan, b.
A sketcher, harbour master and godson of the eminent cartoonist George Cruikshank, he made pen and ink and watercolour sketches of Fremantle and Rottnest Island.
Fowell, Newton Digby, b. 1768
Fowell joined the Royal Navy at 12 and arrived in Australia on the First Fleet. He made sketches of birds and Aboriginal weapons, none of ...
Fowkes, Francis, b.
A convict artist transported on the First Fleet, Fowkes is a candidate for identification as the 'Port Jackson Painter' and is best remembered for his ...
Fowler-Smith, Louise, b. 1955
As an environmentally concerned artist, Louise Fowler-Smith has come to focus on notions of perception in the belief that how we perceive and contemplate the ...
Fowles, Daniel Adey, b.
Colonial Sydney sketcher and medical practitioner. Fowles is known for his detailed diaries, containing both written and sketched representations of Sydney life.
Fowles, Joseph, b. 1810
The indefatigable and versatile Joseph Fowles turned his hand to an eclectic range of occupations, with varying degrees of success, alongside his artistic endeavours. He ...
Fox, Len
Journalist, artist, social activist
A teacher who was offering lessons in 'drawing in crayon and watercolours' at her school in Hobart Town in 1833.
Francis, Dorothea, b. 1903
A painter, illustrator and the sister of Margaret Francis, she illustrated an early Australian version of Alice in Wonderland around 1937.
Frank, W.
A sketcher, produced two watercolours of New South Wales scenes, both dated 1866, which were both auctioned in the 1970s.
Frankland, George, b. 1800
Described by a contemporary as 'a gentleman of the highest talents but without one atom of common sense', Frankland took part in exploratory missions in ...
A sketcher who exhibited several chalk drawings at the 1862 Geelong Exhibition of Art, Science and Industry and who may have been the son of ...