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McKernon, C.
McKernon was a shipwright. It is assumed he built dinghies and fishing craft.
McKie, Travis, b. 1914
Travis McKie was an artist who had a promising beginning to his career but which did not sustain because of the necessity of providing for ...
McKillop, Faye
Mid 20th century Bulletin cartoonist
McKillup, Phyllis, b. 1918
Used art therapy both voluntarily and in paid positions to assist women prisoners, Indigenous people, mentally and physically disabled people and the criminally insane. She ...
McKimm, Chris, b. 1966
Chris was an active participant of the 1980's QLD ARI sector.
McKinlay, Miguel
A member of the WA Society of artists. Studied at the Perth Technical School some time before WWI.
Misses McKinlay were taught the art of Spanish blackwork embroidery by their mother and exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1912.
McKinnon, Brian Charles, b. 1957
Brian McKinnon is a Geelong-based artist who explores issues from his childhood as well as the ongoing fight for the recognition of Indigenous rights. He ...
Late 20th century Bulletin cartoonist. McLachlan's original Bulletin cartoon dated 21 March 1989 is held at the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, ...
McLachlan, I.
Mrs McLachlan was listed in Wise's Post Office Directory in 1910, 1914 and 1924.
McLaren, William George, b. 1923
Mid 20th century Melbourne cartoonist, animator and potter.
McLaren, Isla, b. 1912
China painter who was a student of Flora Landells.
McLaren and Co., "Wendy" for
A poster signed "Wendy" produced by McLaren and Co. Melbourne, Victoria promoting Victorian tourism (fishing) ca.1970 is known.