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Turner, Ann Elizabeth, b. 1811
Sketcher and painter, her work are at the Toodyay Gaol Museum.
Turner, Vida
Turner was a textile designer working from 191 Queen Street, Melbourne. In 1939, registered as V.J. Turner P/L formerly trading as R.M. and Vida J. ...
Turner Fairfax, Kate
Kate Turner Fairfax (b. Sydney) completed an undergraduate diploma in painting at the University of California, Los Angeles (1991) before receiving a Bachelor of Arts ...
Turpin, Jennifer, b. 1958
Jennifer Turpin and Michaelie Crawford are known primarily as a collaborative duo who have produced many public artworks of considerable scale and beauty for over ...
Tuxford, H.
Sketcher, won prizes for pencil drawings at the South Australian Society of Arts' exhibitions in 1869-70.
Tweddle, Isabel May, b. 1875
Dynamic and pragmatic modernist painter, she was very influential on young women artists in the 1930s.
Twells, Florence, b. 1904
Associated with the West Australian Women's Society of Fine Arts and Crafts from 1950 until 1971.
Twynam, Emily Rose, b. 1845
Sketcher, designer and carver. Her numerous works are now owned by the National Trust (NSW).