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Peters, Samuel
Samuel Peters was a stone carver in Western Australia.
Petersen, Fabrianne Nampitjinpa, b. 1965
Fabrianne grew up in Papunya and continued her secondary education at Yirara College in Alice Springs before commencing painting in the early 1980s at Mt ...
Petersen, Maudie Nungarrayi, b. 1937
A Luritja speaker from Mt Liebig, Maudie Peterson transferred the painting skills she learnt decorating coolamons and boomerangs onto works on canvas in the mid ...
Peterson, A. Stuart, b. 1900
Mid 20th century New Zealand and Australian newspaper cartoonist and caricaturist
Peterson, Frederick
Frederick Peterson was house, transparency and ornamental painter, plumber and colourman. In 1833 he advertised in the New South Wales Calendar and Directory as a ...
Peterson, Louisa Maria, b. 1871
Needleworker born in Maryborough, Qld, little is known of this artist other than what can be gleaned from family records. Peterson's artistic endeavours included large ...
Peterson, Eric
Peterson is described as a Danish cabinetmaker working in Brisbane with Borne Skibby mass-producing "Danish-style" furnitrue in Queensland timbers.
Peterson, Joel, b. 1954
Peterson began his film career as an art student in Hobart, later studying at the Australian Film, Television and Radio School. He worked with such ...
Petit, Nicolas-Martin, b. 1777
Petit was the artist for a French voyage to Australia, whose job, according to the eminent scientist Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu, was to record 'all that ...
Petrie, Andrew, b. 1798
Andrew Petrie was a builder, furniture maker and monumental mason who lived in Queensland.
Petrini, Rini
Petrini is an industrial designer, joined AWA design studio in 1965, also lectured for Workers Education Association on design in 1965.
Petrolo, Franecisco, b. 1951
Franecisco Petrolo was born in Chiaravalle Centrale, Calabria, Italy in 1951 and emigrated to Australia in 1980. He served as an apprentice blacksmith in Calabria ...
Mid 20th century newspaper cartoonist and magazine illustrator.
Petrusevics, Andrew, b. 1961
In 1986 Andrew Petrusevics received a ‘Desiderious Orban Youth Art Award’ from the Visual Arts/Craft Board of the Australia Council and three years later a ...
Pett, Warwick Weston , b. 1828
"Prior to his arrival In Victoria (c.1854) he was engaged as an artist on the Illustrated London News. In Melbourne he was on the staff ...