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Vimpany, Violet Emma, b. 1886
Vimpany painted in oils and watercolours, made etchings, and was an active member of the Art Society of Tasmania, exhibiting with it from 1932 to ...
Vincent, Annette, b. 1946
As both scientist and artist Vincent is a keen sketcher and etcher who takes every opportunity to draw what see sees, especially the degradation of ...
Vogan, Cathy
Vogan is an Irish-Franco-Australian singer, performer, composer, media artist, and writer, living between Sydney and Europe since the 1970s.
Vogler, Cynthia, b. 1972
Screen and Batik printer, Cynthia Vogler was born in 1972 and is of the Jarrowair clan of the Wakka Wakka language group from South East ...
Voke, May Stanford, b. 1912
A painter, wood-engraver and art teacher, Voke was to become South Australia's first woman wood engraver. Voke designed costumes and sets for the local Adelaide ...
Vongpoothorn, Savanhdary, b. 1971
Savanhdary Vongpoothorn first came to public attention when her student work was exhibited at the NSW Travelling Art Scholarship exhibition in 1992. Her precise pin-pricked ...
Voninski, Tamara, b. 1969
Tamara Voninski is a photo media artist & filmmaker. Her work often depicts life in the Australia and Oceania region. Voninski is a founding member ...