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Kelleher, T. A.
Illustrator, known for an illustration of Biloela (Cockatoo Island) from c.1860.
Kendrick, J.
Early 19th century English cartoonist who drew a cartoon with an Australian colonial theme.
Kennedy was a Federation-era cartoonist who contributed works to the 'Clarion' in 1908 that featured bushmen, station-hands and Aboriginals.
Kennedy, K. G.
Known from a series of sketches, mainly landscapes depicting areas around Melbourne. Many are signed 'K.G. Kennedy/ 159 Collins Street East' and titled in French.
Late 20th century Bulletin cartoonist, Kerr contributed cartoons to the Bulletin in 1982.
Mid 20th century cartoonist who signed their work 'Kick'.
King, D. A.
Mid 20th century cartoonist, King signed cartoons in 'Australia: National Journal' and 'Australia Week-end Book no.5'