Sculptor and carver. Trained in Paris and Berlin and well travelled through Greece, Italy, Egypt, Abyssinia, and S.E. Asia before settling in Victoria following the ...
Watercolour painter and designer, appears to have been in Sydney in the late 1840s when she painted a watercolour, Henrietta Villa, Eliza Point, Rose Bay.
Val West is an Aboriginal artist, her ancestry is Aboriginal from the Gamilaroi & Murawarri Aboriginal nations and feels deeply connected to D'harawal Country. She ...
Whilst studying woodcarving in London 'Chips' formed a lifelong friendship and working relationship with fellow student Eirene Mort. Upon return she taught woodcarving, carpentry and ...
Natural history painter, compiled an album of natural history watercolours in 1818. Material in it from 'New Holland' includes the Magnificent Cockatoo, the Splendid Parrot ...