Wurundjeri Ngurungaeta (headman) and artist, William Barak created over fifty distinctive charcoal drawings with natural ochres and water colour of purely Aboriginal subjects. A politician ...
Photographer, portrait painter and miniaturist. He owned the Royal Studio, later Bardwell-Clarke Studios, in Hay Street, Perth over the Bon Marché Arcade.
Painter and potter who exhibited with the South Devon Arts Society, British Watercolour Society, West Australian Society of Arts and Perth Society of Artists.
An authority on ecclesiastical architecture, Barlow was the editor of "Art and Architecture", co-founder of the Institute of Architects, NSW and author of a number ...
A professional photographer working in Australia and Europe in the late nineteenth, early twentieth century, Barnett was arguably Australia's first world-class portrait photographer. His sitters ...
Despite training across several artistic disciplines Baskerville is best known for her sculpture, indeed she is regarded as Victoria's first professional woman sculptor. In 1911 ...