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Cotton, E.
Sketcher. Exhibited in 1856 Victorian Exhibition of Fine Arts, Melbourne, Victoria.
Cotton, John, b. 1801
Bird painter, amateur photographer and ornithologist born in England, UK. Resident near Goulburn, NSW his drawings of Australian birds and their settings in pencil, pen ...
Couthouy, Joseph Pitt
Sketcher and naturalist, was appointed conchologist to the United States Exploring Expedition under Charles Wilkes. Couthouy visited Australia as part of the expedition in 1839.
Cramer, Thomas Smyth
Watercolourist, teacher and architectural draughtsman. Resident of Hobart Town (Hobart), Van Diemens Land.
Crawford, James Coutts, b. 1817
Watercolour painter, writer, naval officer and settler. Resident of England, New Zealand and Australia, his sketches are more the work of a gentleman traveller interested ...
Crawley, Emily
Portraitist. Is said to have painted a miniature of her father, William Grant Broughton, in the 1840s.
Croasdill, M.
Sketcher in Newcastle, NSW.
Crossland, John Michael, b. 1800
Portrait painter, born in England. A resident of Adelaide, he was the most accomplished portrait painter in South Australia of the period.
Cruikshank, George, b. 1792
19th century English cartoonist who drew several cartoons with colonial Australian themes.
Cumberland, Charles Burrell, b. 1828
Watercolourist and sketcher born in London, England, UK. Resident of Tasmania.
Cumming, Janet, b. 1832
Sketcher born in Glasgow, Scotland but later a resident of Adelaide. Scott's drawings were praised for their 'fanciful design and spirited execution'.
Currie, Jane Eliza, b. 1794
Miniature and watercolour painter, born in England, UK. Resident of Western Australia she painted some of earliest known views taken in the area.
D., L. V.
NSW Colonial sketcher associated with Samuel Stutchbury's 1850-53 geological and mineralogical survey of New South Wales.
Dadswell, Anne
Watercolourist who was lived in Parramatta, New South Wales, in the 1840s. She is associated with John McKay, art patron and proprietor of the Australian ...
Dalton, Edwin
A prominent society photographer, teacher to Queen Victoria and inventor of the 'Biotype'. His talent for portraiture was such 'you could almost speak to' his ...
Dana, James Dwight, b. 1813
An eminent US scholar, considered to be "a towering figure in the history of geology". Dana's contribution to Australian geology was his description and mapping ...
Daplyn, Alfred James, b. 1844
Daplyn was an English born painter, art teacher, journalist, and arts administrator. Although his work is little known today, he was an important early advocate ...
Davenport, Robert, b. 1816
Watercolourist produced landscape paintings between 1843 and 1849. His work is held in Art Gallery of South Australia.
Davis, John Edward
Topographical painter and naval officer on the British Antarctic expedition 1839 to 1843. His illustrations of the voyage in J. Ross's 'Voyage of Discovery and ...
Davis, W.
Painter, professional photographer and house painter. Exhibited work in Sydney in 1847 and in London in 1862. May also have been J. Davies.