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Norman, Allan Jampijinpa, b. 1950
Born at Yuendumu in 1950, his country is around Yuendumu and he paints Pelican, Rain, Bushfire, and Blue Tongue Lizard Dreamings. He is a Warlpiri ...
Norman, Lilly Napaljarri, b. 1958
Luritja speaker raised by her uncle Paddy Carroll, who taught her to paint in the late 1980s, when she was a frequent visitor to his ...
Nungarrayi, Kinaliya, b. 1945
Warlpiri artist of Lajamanu (NT). Her painting subject was Mala (Wallaby) Dreaming.
Nungarrayi, Rowena, b. 1965
Anmatyerre artist born in 1965.
Nungurrayai, Muntja, b. 1930
Kukatja/Wangkatjunka speaker and "boss woman" for the Wangkatjunka mob at Balgo (WA), her paintings reflect her authority in relation to matters of Law. She was ...
Nuuna, , b. 1954
Born in 1954 of the Noonuccal-Nughie clan of Strandbroke Island, Nuuna is a painter using oils and synthetic polymer on canvas.
Nyadbi, Lena, b. 1936
Senior painter at Warmun Art Centre. Exhibited international and recipient of major commissions.
Nyumi, Elizabeth Nungurrayai, b. 1945
Pintupi speaker who began painting for Warlayirti Artists in 1988. All her paintings are variations on one theme, that of her country Tapinna/Nyunkun, near Jupiter ...
O'Connor, Sharni, b. 1989
Torres Strait Islander, Sharni O'Connor carves jewellery in the shapes of marine life and the flora of the Torres Strait from gold lipped mother-of-pearl shells ...
O'Loughlin, Irene, b. 1944
Melbourne-based Narungga artist whose paintings are inspired by her memories of growing up on Point Pearce Mission Station and her ancestral lands in the Yorke ...
O'Sullivan, Lelarnie, b. 1973
Lelarnie O'Sullivan is a Bundjalung woman born in mullumbimby, NSW. She uses organic material found in the garden and bush to weave baskets.
Oates, Leigh, b. 1958
Trawlwoolway artist based at Mountain River in the Huon Valley. Oates has been involved in a number of mural projects at Tasmanian schools and whose ...
Oates, Reuben, b. 1993
Tasmanian Aboriginal artist who paints Australian native animals from the region around his home in the Huon Valley. Oates was taught to paint by his ...
Ogston, Janet
Janet Ogston is a Wodi Wodi (Victoria) painter who was a finalist in the 2008 Victorian Indigenous Art Awards.
Oldfield, David Jupurrurla, b. 1940
'Big Dave' Oldfield's work has been included in many group exhibitions of Warlukurlangu Artists and is also held in many private collections and the British ...
Oldfield, Eva Nungarrayi
Eva Oldfield's work has been included in many group exhibitions of Warlukurlangu Artists since she began painting in 1987.
Oldfield, Ruth Napaljarri
Ruth Oldfield has been exhibiting with Warlukurlangu Artists of Yuendumu since 1986. Her work was shown in 'Dreamings : Art of Aboriginal Australia' and is ...
Olodoodi, Patrick Tjungurrayai, b. 1935
Patrick began painting in 1986 for Warlayirti Artists in Balgo. Like many Pintupi male artists his work, which depicts the Law of his country, is ...
Olsen, Barbie
NSW Indigenous artist and co-founder of the Gamilarart Cooperative.