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Annear, O.
Painter, exhibited her work, Painting of a Dog, in Brisbane in 1894.
Anson, Joshua, b. 1854
Joshua Anson was a photographer, one of the Anson Brothers photographic firm in Hobart with Henry Joseph Anson and Richard Edwin Anson. In a court ...
Federation-era Melbourne cartoonist who signed cartoons in the 'Bull-Ant' which included full-page lithographed caricatures of League footballers.
Aplin, Louisa, b. 1845
Aplin was a Queensland painter who exhibited at the Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition, 1888-89, and in the annual Queensland Art Society show in 1896.
Apperley, Emmeline
Little is known of Emmeline Apperley but that she exhibited in the 1892 Exhibition of Woman's Work in Sydney.
Appleby, L. W., b. 1872
Appleby was a New Zealand photographer who trained with Falk Studios in Sydney and in Newcastle before partnering with Emma Manning in the Christchurch studio ...
Archer, Daisy, b. 1862
Alice Manon Archer, known as Daisy Archer, was a wood-carver working in central Queensland from the turn of the century. Her daughter, Joan, became quite ...
Archibald, Carl
Carl Archibald, the half-brother of J.F Archibald, was a painter and member of the Prehistoric Order of Cannibals, founded in Melbourne in the early 1890s.
Armstrong, Elizabeth Caroline, b. 1860
South Australian-born painter and teacher, Amstrong alternated between Adelaide and England. Following her death a fund was started to establish the Elizabeth Armstrong Memorial Library ...
Armstrong, Kate
Exhibited four works in Brisbane in 1894, two of which were landscapes.
Armstrong, R. H.
Bishop of Wangaratta, Victoria. An album of bush scenes and country views by Armstrong that date from the 1890s was presented to the State Library ...
Armstrong, Mary Ann, b. 1838
Mary Ann Armstrong (1838-1910) was a botanical fern artist who participated in a number of international and intercolonial exhibitions. She compiled and artistically arranged fern ...
Ashe, Herbert
Ashe exhibited an original illumination at the Bathurst Amateur Art Society annual exhibition in 1896.
Ashe, T. C.
Ashe was an oil painter who exhibited in 1892 Exhibition of Women's Work in Sydney.
Ashley, E.
Ashley is thought to be a photographer whose work includes a depiction of Fremantle Prison in 1899.
Ashley, J. H. C.
Little is known of the artist Ashley but they were recorded as working circa 1896.
Ashton, George Rossi, b. 1857
Painter, illustrator and cartoonist, came to Australia at the encouragement of his brother Julian Ashton. Remained in Australia for 14 years mainly working as an ...
Ashton, Helen
Painter who exhibited with the New South Wales Society of Artists in 1899 and 1901.
Ashton, James, b. 1859
Influential Federation era Adelaide painter, illustrator and art teacher. Ashton, the father of painter Will Ashton, is best known for establishing the Academy of Arts, ...
Ashton, Julian Howard, b. 1877
Also known as Howard Ashton, Julian was a painter who exhibited with the Society of Artists and the Royal Agricultural Society, as well as in ...