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We had walked all day

by O'Callaghan, Mel.

laser cut acrylic, resin, board, LED lighting

Webb Bridge

by Owen, Robert George.

In collaboration with architects Denton Corker Marshall for the Docklands Authority, Melbourne, Vic.

Weight Unknown

by O'Callaghan, Mel.

Brumisators unltrasounds, ventilators, water, irrigation system, dimension variable

Welcome to Melbourne

by Nicholson, Mandy.

image of work projected over Manchestion Stadium as part of the Manchester 2002 Commonwealth Games closing ceremony,

Welcome to the Jingle

by The Kingpins.

Video Installation

Western Gate

by Christofides, Andrew.

Watercolour, ink and acrylic on paper, 80 x 54 cm

What Do I Do? 1970-2009

by Barbara Cleveland.

In What Do I Do? (1970-2009) Brown Council appropriate two seminal performance works by Vito Acconci from the 1970s ...


What Hasn't Yet Happenned I-V

by Purcell, Marisa.

acrylic on paper, 70 x 60cm