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Tennant, Henry E.
1860s engraver and lithographer, fled the country with a warrant for uttering forged bills of exchange on his head.
Terry, Frederic Casemero, b. 1825
One of Sydney's foremost artists and illustrators in the 1860s, Terry was born in Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England.
Thaiday, Ken, b. 1971
Ken Thaiday Jr. was born in 1971 in Gordonvale, North Queensland. His father Ken Thaiday Snr taught him of his Torres Strait Islander culture, history ...
Thomas, Edmund, b. 1827
Painter, lithographer and possibly photographer, best known for his topographical prints of Sydney and Melbourne,and lithographic portraits.
Thomas, May
Printmaker and illustrator.
Thorpe, John Hall, b. 1874
Illustrator and engraver, born in Victoria, began his career in 1891 as a wood engraver for John Fairfax and worked as a staff artist on ...
Thorpe, Lesbia, b. 1919
Thorpe was best known for her woodcuts and colour prints for which she won many prizes.
Tibbits, William Taylor Smith, b. 1837
Tibbits produced many landscape drawings, views of public and private buildings and reproductions steel plate prints whilst residing in Victoria and Sydney. He travelled to ...
Tillers, Imants, b. 1950
Widely regarded within Australia as one of the most important artists of his generation, Tillers has been represented in major international exhibitions including Documenta 7, ...
Tindall, Charles E. S., b. 1863
C.E.S. Tindall (1863-1951) was a Scottish born watercolourist best known for his marine images of Sydney Harbour. He was a notable member of the Royal ...
Tipoti, Alick, b. 1975
Linocut printer Alick Tipoti was born in 1975 and is from Badu Island in the Torres Strait. Tipoti's prints are works that celebrate his island ...
Tipping, Richard Kelly, b. 1949
Richard Kelly Tipping, visual and performance poet and photographer, was born in Adelaide in November 1949. Tipping is best known for his fusion of text ...
Colonial Launceston illustrator and/or engraver who copied and/or adapted the original illustrations, by 'Phiz' (Hablot Browne), in a local edition of Charles Dickens's 'Pickwick Papers'.
Traill, Jessie, b. 1881
Painter and etcher, an outstanding feature of her life was her extensive travelling between France, England and Australia. She received much praise for her etchings ...
Travers, Hilda M., b. 1897
Printmaker, was born in Dronin, Victoria. Her linocut bookplates are held at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, ACT.