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Vickers, Rose, b. 1941
Rose Vickers is a printmaker, painter and teacher. She curated 'Australian Graphics' in 1974. Vickers teaches printmaking at University of NSW College of Fine Arts, ...
Vimpany, Violet Emma, b. 1886
Vimpany painted in oils and watercolours, made etchings, and was an active member of the Art Society of Tasmania, exhibiting with it from 1932 to ...
Vincent, Annette, b. 1946
As both scientist and artist Vincent is a keen sketcher and etcher who takes every opportunity to draw what see sees, especially the degradation of ...
W., A.
caricaturist, initialled a print published in Melbourne in 1858 of a group of dogs with human heads labelled with the names of Australian scientists: Wilson, ...
WAINBURRANGA, Paddy Fordham, b. 1935
Paddy Fordham Wainburranga (corn circa 1935) was a senior artist (painter, sculptor, printmaker and dancer) and a storyteller of Aboriginal culture and history, including historical ...
Walker, Deborah, b. 1954
Painter and printmaker whose work is held in the collection of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Walker is a graduate of the Victorian College ...
Walker, F. Sidney, b. 1888
Walker is one of the many artists who recorded views of Sydney in the midst of her development as a metropolitan city.
Walker, Ralph Trafford, b. 1912
Sculptor and printmaker, designed 16 of the 18 relief panels for one of the main Mitchell Library bronze doors, appointed an official war artist with ...
Wall, Edith, b. 1904
Mid 20th century New Zealand-born, Sydney and Melbourne-based painter, printmaker, cartoonist and art teacher.
Wall, William Sheridan, b. 1815
curator of the Australian Museum from 1845 to 1858. Wall contributed natural history drawings on a regular basis to the first series of the Illustrated ...
Wallace-Crabbe, Kenneth Eyre Inverell, b. 1900
Mid 20th century Melbourne painter, printmaker, journalist and publisher.
Wallace-Crabbe, Robin, b. 1938
Robin Wallace-Crabbe is a painter, printmaker and writer. He has also worked as a cartoonist for the Canberra Times.
Waller, Mervyn Napier, b. 1893
World War I veteran printmaker, painter, stained glass artist, mosaic artist and muralist. whose work epitomised Art Deco in Australia. Husband of Christian Waller.
Wallis, Clive, b. 1909
Etcher, produced prints in the 1930s and '40s solely for private circulation. Most were erotic and either German expressionist or American 'Ash Can' in style.
Walsh, Sandry
Sandry Walsh is a Wemba Wemba descendant who completed a Koori Art and Design course and along Robyn Robinson established "Triple Tribe" a retail outlet ...
Ware, Florence, b.
Lino cut printer and painter, Florence Ware is a Torres Strait Islander artist whose work is informed by the traditions of her community as well ...
Warner, Ernest, b. 1902
Printmaker, was commissioned for various bookplates which frequently appeared in Art in Australia between 1923 and 1925. The popularity of Warner's prints seemed to decline ...