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Albada, Duke
Duke Albada is a mixed media, new media artist who creates public art.
Albanis, Jenni, b.
Jenni Albanis was a Melbourne quilt maker who was active in the 1980s. The daughter of a dress-maker, Albanis was part of the Australian Quilter’s ...
Albury, Winn, b. 1896
Twentieth century female watercolourist who worked as a commercial in Sydney and Sacremento, California. Work found amongst her estate included a number of designs for ...
Aldenhoven, Violet, b. 1889
Federation-era female watercolourist from Sydney who competed in The Australian Exhibition of Women's Work in Melbourne in 1907 with a landscape painting of twilight.
Alderson, Amanda
Perth-based artist whose practice spans new media, jewellery, sculpture and textiles.
Alexander, E. K. N.
Female colonial sketcher whose crayon drawings were exhibited in the NSW Court at the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880.
Alexander, J.
Female colonial wood carver and craft worker who exhibited her wares, including two carved mirrors, at the Sydney International Exhibition in 1879. Given that near ...
Alexander, Jan, b. 1927
Jan Alexander was an artist active in Bathurst for thirty years from the 1970s to the early 2000s.
Alford, Alice Baily
A Sydney-based craftworker and Watercolourist, Alice Baily Alford's work featured in the 1892 Exhibition of Women's Work in Sydney. Alford also exhibited at the Adelaide ...
Algar, Penny, b. 1954
Penny Algar was based in Brisbane and involved Brisbane ARIs during the 1980's and was included in the The Demolition Show at The Observatory Gallery, ...
Alimankinni, Jane
Jane Alimankinni is an artist from Bathurst Island, Northern Territory.
Allam, Kathy
West Australian painter and sculptor