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Bowring, Emily Stuart, b. 1835
Sketcher Emily Stuart Bowring's known and attributed pencil and watercolour drawings are mainly of places where she lived or visited. Most depict homesteads or their ...
Boyd, Arthur Merric, b. 1862
Arthur Merric Boyd Sr. was the pater familias of a prolific and talented artistic family that is still producing art to the present day.
Boyd, Emma Minnie, b. 1858
Often remembered as the matriarch of the artistically gifted Boyd family, Emma Minnie was an artist in her own right, exhibiting prolifically in Australia, and ...
Boyd, Harriette E.
WhileHarriette E. Boyd is known to have trained at the Design and Painting schools of the National Gallery of Victoria in the late 19th century, ...
Boyd, William Alexander Jenyns, b. 1842
A.J. Boyd was involved in the teaching profession for a good part of his life. In 1882 his book "Old Colonials" was published and which ...
Bradford, E. A.
E.A. Bradford entered his work competitively in the annual exhibitions of the Photographic Society of NSW in 1895 and 1896 where he won numerous prizes ...
Bradford, Elizabeth Sarah, b. 1846
Elizabeth Sarah Bradford exhibited compositions from nature and also taught art in Hobart in the late 1800s/early 1900s.
Bradley, Basil
Basil Bradley's work was held in Messrs Callan's collection in 1890. Two of his works were noted by the Sydney Morning Herald simply as "good".
Bradley, Emily
Emily Bradley exhibited her work competitively in Sydney at the the exhibitions of women's work in 1892 and 1907. Her landscapes included scenes of the ...
Bradley, Luther, b. 1853
Late colonial-era American cartoonist and illustrator who spent a decade working in Melbourne. From 1888-1893 he was the principle artist at Melbourne Punch after the ...
Bragg, Gwendoline, b. 1871
Late nineteenth-century painter of watercolour landscapes who studied at the Adelaide School of Design in the late 1880s. Bragg was the wife of fellow painter ...
Bray, James E., b. 1832
Nineteenth-century photographer, one of four men who photographed the Kelly gang after the siege of Glenrowan.
Brees, Harold, b. 1838
Harold Brees shared his father's interest in the Antipodes and he worked as a painter and architect of some interest.
Brindle, A.
Won first prize for a hand or foot from a cast at the National Gallery of Victoria School in 1894.
Brindley, J. A. T.
artist, active circa 1890.
Brinkwater, J.
J. Brinkwater was an oil painter in the late 19th century.
Broinowski, Gracius Joseph, b. 1837
Peripatetic artist who produced copious landscape images and sold them off inventively (through art unions). Finally settling down in Sydney, he taught in various private ...
Brooke, Edmund Walpole, b. 1865
A late nineteenth-century artist, briefly acquainted with the van Gogh family.
Brooke-Smith, Frank
A Melbourne painter who flourished at the turn of the twentieth century. He painted landscapes.
Exhibited a hand-painted screen in 1892.