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Solly, Amelia, b. 1811
Late 19th century Tasmanian artist, working in oils, watercolour and drawing. Sister to Benjamin Travers Solly.
Solly, Benjamin Travers, b. 1820
A well-connected colonial official for most of his life, Solly was an accomplished sketcher and watercolourist with representation in significant collections.
Sommer, John Conrad, b. 1828
Continental photographer, house painter and drawing teacher, who liked to keep up to date with the latest fashions in photography for commercial purposes.
Sourman, L.
Itinerant photographer who advertised himself as a 'Daguerrean artist'.
Southern, E.
An artist known by various names and occupations through erroneous referencing. An elusive teacher of 'artistic drawing' he disappeared after 1860.
Southern, Mary Elizabeth, b. 1867
Mary Elizabeth Southern was born in 1867. She was the sister of the sculptor Benjamin Sheppard. In Perth Mrs Southern and her daughter Muriel had ...
Southern, Muriel, b. 1890
Muriel Southern was born around 1890. She was a painter, art teacher, occasional china painter and craft worker who in 1935 organised the Perth Arts ...
Spong, Jean, b. 1868
Jean Spong painted views of a number of Hobart's colonial landmarks, with one of her early twentieth century landscapes mentioned by Stephen Scheding in his ...
Spurr, Thomas, b. 1801
Dismissed as a clergyman, Spurr advertised as a drawing and painting teacher before going on to become an architectural draughtsman. A position he was consequently ...
Stacey, John Samuel, b. 1830
Young artist and teacher who was regularly praised in the local press but like so many others found the artistic freelance life a difficult one ...
Stephen, George, b. 1812
Throughout his artistic life Stephen worked as a miniaturist and sketcher, offset by such occupations as public servant, geologist, barrister, politician and faith healer (it ...
Stephens, Molly, b. 1920
Molly Stephens (née Pascall), born in Kent, England studied at both the Medway School of Art and the Royal College of Art, before going on ...
Stevens, Bec
Bec Stevens is a Hobart-based visual artist and curator whose work is underpinned by studies in architecture and horticulture.
Stewart, James
James Stewart, a professional photographer of Hobart Town, advertised in April 1862 that he was available to take photographic likenesses on glass (ambrotypes).
Stewart, Jane
Jane Stewart is the Principal Curator of Art at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.
Stieglitz, Emma von, b. 1807
Painted mainly domestic scenes, von Stieglitz also painted portraits of Tasmanian Aboriginal men and women. The latter were regarded as inferior because they were colonial ...
Stokell, Dora R., b.
An enthusiastic sketcher, Stockell's sketch book shows many copies of picturesque English scenes. At the back of her book there are two water colours, probably ...
Drawing instructor based in Launceston who also taught music to schools pupils and families in 1859 and early 1860's.
Stoner, Dorothy, b. 1904
Dorothy Stoner supported her career as an artist by teaching art in Tasmania, but she constantly looked to Melbourne, Sydney and Europe for new ways ...