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Tribal Expressions Business Showcase

by Kirby, Esther Naomi.

Exhibition and demonstrations of emu carving, weaving, painting

Koorie Tram Project

by Kirby, Esther Naomi.

Image of carved emu egg painted by cousin, Maree Clarke, onto a panel that was fixed onto a tram.


by Papapetrou, Polixeni.

SOLO. ALSO TOURED: Horsham Regional Art Gallery, Horsham, Vic. (2006) & Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, Vic. (2008)

The Plot Thickens: Narratives in Australian Art

by Papapetrou, Polixeni.

ALSO TOURED: Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, Ballarat, Vic. (2005)

Telling Tales: The Child in Contemporary Photography

by Papapetrou, Polixeni.

ALSO TOURED: Bendigo Art Gallery, Vic. & Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, Qld (2000); Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, WA, University of South Australia Museum ...

Elvis Immortal

by Papapetrou, Polixeni.

SOLO. ALSO: Old Treasury, Melbourne, Vic. (1998); Nellie Castan Gallery, Melbourne, Vic. (2006)