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Neville, E. H.
Sketched Tasmanian scenes that include Campbell Town, Hobart Town, rural areas and churches. He produced an album containing seventeen of his watercolour sketches.
Neville-Rolfe, Harriet Jane, b. 1850
A painter and sketcher. During her time spent living in central west Queensland, she sketched and painted the bush.
Newman, E.
A sketcher and photographic colourist. His drawings won him prizes and were exhibited at various exhibitions at the New South Wales Academy of Art. He ...
Newman, Richard William, b. 1814
A painter and sketcher. His only known works are two drawings which are presumed to be from 1840. He worked as a public servant at ...
Newry, Francis Charles, b. 1842
Newry was a sketcher and photographer who travelled with two friends, including Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, on a round the world voyage in 1868/69. ...
Newton, M. J.
Sketcher who exhibited a design at the South Australian Society of Arts, Adelaide.
Neyer, John
Sketcher who died in 1873.
Nicholas, John Liddiard, b. 1784
Nicholas was a sketcher who arrived in Sydney in 1813. With Rev. Samuel Marsden they travelled to New Zealand where he reported on their travels ...
Nicholas, William, b. 1807
A watercolourist, etcher and lithographer who liked to depict Shakespearian and mythological subjects. He was best known for his portraits and actively took part in ...
Nicholls, Muriel G., b. 1879
A graphic artist. She created many illustrations for children's story books.
Nicholls, W. A.
A sketcher who produced forty-eight works which were published in John Sherer's The Gold-Finder of Australia in 1853.
Nichols, Mary, b. 1837
Nichols came from an artistic family and is believed to have been enthusiastic about sketching, however there is no existing work.
Nichols, Verna, b. 1947
Verna Nichols is a Tasmanian Aboriginal painter, drawer, silk screen printmaker, weaver and kelp worker who works from her home in Hobart, Tasmania.
Nicholson, John
A sketcher and surveyor. His only known drawing is that of the The Pass, Mount Victoria, New South Wales which was sent to Surveyor-General Thomas ...
Niven, Francis Wilson, b. 1831
A sketcher, photographer, lithographer, carver, printer and stationary manufacturer. Upon arriving in Ballarat, Niven purchased a lithographic press from Alfred Ronalds for £40 - said ...
Nixon, Anna Maria, b. 1802
A watercolourist and sketcher who constantly sketched everywhere she went sending her works back to her family and friends as a form of correspondence.
Nixon, Francis Russell, b. 1803
A painter, sketcher, photographer and Anglican Bishop. Being consecrated the first bishop of Tasmania, Nixon used his sketches and paintings as a way to document ...
Nixon, Frederick John
A painter and art teacher. He was the drawing master at the Sydney School of Arts and also offered private tuition. He was a part ...
Nixon, Frederick Robert, b. 1817
Colonial era Adelaide cartoonist, sketcher, etcher, journalist and surveyor.
Nixon, George Coleridge, b. 1844
A sketcher whose most renowned work was of his family's residence - Runnymede - in Bishopstowe Hobart.