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by Thompson, Dorothy.

Dorothy Thompson, performances EAF July 1976

Drunk Elephant

by Allen, Jim, Hobba, Leigh, Tipping, Richard.

Jim Allen, performance; also Leigh Hobba, Richard Tipping

Invitation to a Beheading

by Hay, Paul, Hobba, Leigh.

Leigh Hobba and Paul Hay, videotape Source: Britton, Stephanie (ed.) 1984, A decade at the EAF: A History of the Experimental Art Foundation 1974-1984, Experimental ...

Saturno Suite

by Hubrechsen, Jan Marinus.

Jan Hubrechsen and the Pavilion Players, performance art Source:Britton, Stephanie (ed.) 1984, A decade at the EAF: A History of the Experimental Art Foundation 1974-1984, ...


by Danvers, John.

John Danvers, drawings

Walls Sometimes Speak

by Mackinolty, Chips, Roberts, Anne, Robertson, Toni. Earthworks Poster Collective.

Earthworks Collective,Chips Mackinolty and Toni Robertson, first major political poster show in Australia, touring

Australia Council New York Loft Show

by Burns, Tim, Coventry, Virginia, Rooney, Robert.

Tim Burns, Robert Rooney, Virginia Coventry

Internal Dialogues

by Gasper, John, Kerr, David, Knottenbelt, Rob, Richter, Sue, Turpin, Judy.

John Gasper, Sue Richter, David Kerr, performance; Judy Turpin, performance; Rob Knottenbelt, poetry reading

Terrorism in Australia

by Hobba, Leigh, Rooney, Robert.

Robert Rooney, Leigh Hobba, installation


by Hobba, Leigh, de Gruchy, Ian.

Ian de Gruchy, Leigh Hobba, performance, soundworks

Events at EAF August 1978

by Burt, Warren, Faulkerson, Jim, Wicks, Arthur.

August 1978 events at Experimental Art Foundation Arthur Wicks, video; Warren Burt and Jim Faulkerson, sound installation for INSEA, Le Grand Ni; Dance Exchange, performance

Badges, Buttons and Ephemera

by Harms, Ron .

Ron Harms, a collection of objects, badges, flags, WWI mementos

Cult Objects

by Hobba, Leigh.

Friday nights at the EAF, Leigh Hobba, Cult Objects, Friday night performance sessions


by Dreyfus, Ella.

Transman is a document of a rarely seen subject - the female to male transgender. Dreyfus collaborated with her subject to photograph his gender transition ...

Art and Ideology

by Ewington, Julie.

Julie Ewington co-ordinator of series of readings/ discussion session

Tribute to Elvis and the Mandrill

by Hagoort, Margaret.

Arranged by Margaret Hagoort, disco-performance, student work

Cybernetic Heroicisms

by Masteroid Space Propaganda Ltd.

Masteroid Space Propaganda Ltd, 4 performances

Photographs of China

by Parr, Geoff.

Students and lecturers, Tasmanian School of Art, photos taken 1977, coordinator Geoff Parr