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Thomson, William, b. 1801
Colonial painter, the first documented portraitist to publicly solicit patrons in Van Diemen's Land.
Thwaites, Walter William, b. 1814
A miniature painter and engraver, W.W. Thwaites (1814-1888)and sons established themselves as professional photographers in West and South Australia in the 1860s. However, despite such ...
Thwaites, Walter William McLean, b. 1840
Learnt photography in his father's Hobart studio, W. Thwaite jnr embarked on his own solo career touring every existing Australian colony from 1860 to 1888.
Todd, Sarah Squire, b. 1861
Wood-carver and needleworker, her artworks were included in the 1907 Exhibition of Women's Work at Melbourne, after studying at the Hobart Technical College. The inspiration ...
Towart, , b. 1822
Drawing teacher, arrived at Hobart Town on board the Samuel Winter in 1839. Towart advertised in the Colonial Times that he was setting up as ...
Tranthim-Fryer, John Robertson, b. 1858
Tasmanian born sculptor and art teacher. He returned from London to settle in Victoria where he became first Director of Swinburne Technical College in 1908, ...
Tremlett, Williamina Mary, b. 1827
Teacher, had a school in Hobart Town in 1869 where she taught English, music and drawing before becoming a governess to the Kermode family.
Triffitt, Lou
Palawa artist from Oatlands, Tasmania, who predominantly works with pyrography, which involves burning designs into wood.
Truchanas, Olegas, b. 1923
Olegas Truchanas was renowned for his slide presentations which brought ever-increasing attention to Tasmania's unique south-west landscape. Using a collection of colour slides accumulated from ...
Tyson, Geoffrey, b. 1911
Mid 20th century Launceston art teacher, painter and advertising artist. Known for sketches made while a Prisoner of War during WWII.
Unsworth, Ken, b. 1931
Sculptor, installation and performance artist,Unsworth was born in 1931 in the Melbourne suburb of Richmond. Despite growing up as a self-described typical Melbourne kid who ...
Mrs Vawser was a drawing teacher in Hobart Town from 1834 to 1835. Offering to teach Breidon's new style of drawing, in 1835 samples of ...
Vimpany, Violet Emma, b. 1886
Vimpany painted in oils and watercolours, made etchings, and was an active member of the Art Society of Tasmania, exhibiting with it from 1932 to ...
Vincent, Alfred James, b. 1874
A Federation era Bulletin cartoonist and painter, based mainly in Melbourne, Alfred Vincent was the first visual artist to join the Melbourne Savage Club.
Wade, William Richard, b. 1803
Drawing teacher, curator and librarian, Wade was also a clergyman before his unorthodox views on baptism forced him into retirement. He is probably best known ...
Wade, Samuel, b. 1979
Samuel Wade is a painter who lives and works in Sydney.
Walker, Anna Frances, b. 1830
A prolific botanical painter, Anna Frances Walker won many awards for her flower paintings, although always proudly remaining an amateur gentlewoman.
Walker, George Washington, b. 1800
Quaker missionary, accompanied his friend James Backhouse on a mission that included many parts of Australia. Throughout his travels, he kept a journal that included ...