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, Mickey of Ulladulla, b. 1825
Mickey of Ulladulla was an Aboriginal artist active in the ninetenth century on the south coast of NSW. Five of his paintings were included posthumously ...
Abbott, C. A.
Cartoonist and lithographer, his professional career centres on the Ballarat Punch, particularly from 1867 to 1870. At various times he was also briefly the magazine's ...
Abbott, John, b. 1803
This sketcher, watercolourist and songwriter became the registrar-general of births, deaths and marriages in Van Diemen's Land in the mid nineteenth century. His watercolours were ...
Abel, August Theodor, b. 1802
This chemist, mineralogist and amateur artist had an interest in religious art. A German immigrant, he settled in Ballarat, becoming an active member of the ...
Absolon, John De Mansfield, b. 1843
This artist's son operated the Geraldton Lead Mines and international cargo ships. His watercolour works included landscape sketches and scenes of shipboard life, studies of ...
Colonial female sketcher who used pastel and crayon and exhibited a drawing of the Alps in the Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition of 1875.
Adams, E. V.
Female colonial painter and a resident of St Kilda, Melbourne, Miss Adams exhibited watercolour sketches with the Victorian Academy of Arts in 1870.
Adams, R. T.
Male colonial painter of fishermen who exhibited in Australia and London, England in the 1870s.
Adamson, James Hazell, b. 1829
This diverse artist practised as a painter, lithographer and professional photographer. His works encompassed portrait, landscape and still life genres. Exhibiting in Adelaide, Melbourne and ...
Adamson, Lorenzo
Colonial Ballarat sketcher who won a medal for his crayon and chalk drawings of the Pilgrim's Progress from the Agricultural Society of NSW in 1873.
Adamson, David Beveridge, b. 1823
David Beveridge Adamson emigrated to South Australia in 1839. He designed and produced toys, mechanical appliances and scientific instruments, the latter of which he used ...
Addison, George Henry Male, b. 1858
George Addison was a colonial male architect and artist.
Addison, James
Male colonial artist who was living in Emerald Hill, Melbourne when he exhibited with the NSW Agricultural Society's annual 1873 exhibition.
Addison, William
Male colonial sketcher who drew a portrait of a Roman beggar family in Italian chalk and won a technical prize from NSW Agricultural Society in ...
Female colonial wax modeller whose bowls of fruit and flowers were mentioned by the Sydney Mail when she exhibited them in the Agricultural Society of ...
Aikenhead, William, b. 1842
An avid amateur photographer and professional journalist. Aikenhead held many public offices and was active in local Tasmanian politics until his death.
Akers, Charles Style, b.
English colonial Royal engineer whose watercolours and drawings of Tasmanian scenery belied his frustration at having received such a far-flung posting. He later painted icebergs ...
Alder, Anthony, b. 1838
Anthony Alder was a Brisbane-based taxidermist who is also known for his paintings of Australian fauna, particularly ornithological subjects.
Alexander, J.
Female colonial wood carver and craft worker who exhibited her wares, including two carved mirrors, at the Sydney International Exhibition in 1879. Given that near ...
Allen, Eliza
Miniaturist, portraitist and professional photographer, is said to have worked for many years as an artist and photographer in Manchester, England. Allen established a miniature ...