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Baxter, E.
E. Baxter was a craftworker whose artistic talent was noted by the Sydney Morning Herald when they commented on the 'beautiful' basket of artificial flowers ...
Baxter, G.
Two oil paintings of Blue Mountains scenery were executed by G. Baxter and shown at the Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition of 1888-1889.
Baxter, Robert
A restless auteur, Robert Baxter travelled regularly throughout rural southwestern New South Wales as a professional photographer whose work included both portraiture and architecture.
Bayliss, Charles, b. 1850
Charles Bayliss was a professional photographer who showed his works in various exhibitions including the 1883-84 Calcutta International Exhibition.
Mr Bayly exhibited at the Art Society of New South Wales 1889 exhibition in Sydney, NSW.
Bayly, John V.
John V. Bayly regularly exhibited his paintings with the Art Society of New South Wales throughout the 1880s.
Bayly, W. D.
W.D. Bayly exhibited three works in the 1883 Art Society of NSW which garnered a favourable mention in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Bear, William, b. 1843
Arriving in Melbourne in the 1860s, William Bear quickly found himself employment as a photographer with William Insull Burman before setting up his own photography ...
Beasley, Hillson, b. 1855
Architect credited with designs for the Art Gallery, the Public Library, Fremantle Technical School and, with John Grainger, Parliament House among many other places.
Beaton, L.
An L. Beaton - thought to possibly be Lachlan Beaton - exhibited with the Royal Art Society in 1886.
Beattie, Jessie, b. 1860
Daughter of the well-known costumier Madame Mary Jane Beattie, Jessie Beattie is thought to have been a pupil of the painter Lucien Henry as she ...
Beattie, John Watt, b. 1859
John Watt Beattie was a collector and photographer in turn-of-the-century Tasmania. Three years before his death in 1930, Launceston City Council purchased his collection of ...
A.J. Hall, a resident of Launceston, Tasmania, exhibited a work by Beauchamp in the Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition in 1888/1889.
Beauchamp, Robert Proctor, b. 1819
Born into a privileged family, Beauchamp married an heiress after travelling between England, New Zealand and Victoria for a number of years. They finally settled ...
Beaumont, C.
C. Beauchamp exhibited two Zealand landscapes at the 1888-89 Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition.
Beaumont, J. H.
A photographer, J.H. Beaumont exhibited photographic proofs at the 1888-89 Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition.
Beck, J. Margaret
J. Margaret Beck was an ornamental designer working in the late 1870s. In 1887 she exhibited with the Victorian Academy.
Beckett, Thomas George, b. 1858
Thomas George Beckett was an avid amateur photographer who travelled to Australia in 1885 as a ship's doctor.
Beeler, C. B.
C. B. Beeler was a printmaker whose work, exhibited at the 1888-1889 Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition, won a Jury Award, 2nd Order of Merit for ...
Beere, Alfred
Alfred Beere was a painter and sculptor whose work included a number of public commissions, among them a series of 12 medallions for the decoration ...