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Frank Art Presents...

by Davis, Graeme.

Graham Davis (Vic), a night of new and experimental music

Women's Performance Month

by Adams, Jude.

Jude Adams, Personal/Private, performance in EAF toilets; Sandra Young (Greentree), performance at EAF, organised by Women's Art Movement

Sound Landscape with Still and Shifting Figures

by Tolley, David, Tolley, Bruce.

David and Bruce Tolley, 2 performances with film and video images

Night Jungle, TV Dinner

by Weiss, Denis, Weiss, Curtis.

Arch-y Brothers- Denis Moore, Curtis Weiss, performance

Recent Work

by Crocker, Peter.

Peter Crocker, Angela Iarrusso, John Young (NSW) photographic/sculptural installation

Friday Nights at the EAF

by McDonald, Rob.

Series of performances organised by Rob McDonald

Drawings and Props

by Cummings, Robert.

Robert Cumming, exhibition, touring; EAF publication of his drawings

Murray River Project

by Ely, Bonita.

Residency at Experimental Art Foundation. Bonita Ely, Murray River Project, work in clay tablets; performance in Rundle Mall (August) River Murray Punch


by Parks, Ti.

Ti Parks (UK), collages

Friday Nights at the EAF

by Cherry, Catherine, Cheslyn, Peter, Hobba, Leigh, Rees, Phillip.

Leigh Hobba, Peter Cheslyn, Cathy Cherry, Phillip Rees, The Perth Papers... performances

Model for Community Art

by Hobba, Leigh.

Documentation from Perth residency by Leigh Hobba

Self Investigation III

by Jensz, David, Teakel, Wendy.

Wendy Teakel and David Jensz (NSW)

National Conference

by Artworkers Union.

Artworkers Union first national conference, held in the Experimental Art Foundation space, many delegates, Oct 10-12

Art in the Mail

by Beringa, Luit, Dadson, Phil, Spill, Nick.

Luit Beringa, Phil Dadson and Nick Spill organised touring show from New Zealand, 300 artists from 18 countries

Sound Sculpture

by Elliott, Peter, Trengove, Greg.

Peter Elliott and Greg Trengove, 2 evenings

Aleatoric Music

by Kreckler, Derek.

Derek Kreckler and friends

The Brisbane Line

by Hamilton, Ian.

Ian Hamilton, EAF intermediary in his action in Queensland