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Miss Annear exhibited a crayon drawing after Le Brun at the Agricultural Society of New South Wales' 1873 exhibition.
Anson, Joshua, b. 1854
Joshua Anson was a photographer, one of the Anson Brothers photographic firm in Hobart with Henry Joseph Anson and Richard Edwin Anson. In a court ...
Apperly, Henry, b. 1824
Henry Apperly was a sculptor and carver. He may have come to Australia in search of gold, but as of 1854 he hadn't yet found ...
Appleton, George A.
Painter, lithographer and photographic colourist during the 1860s. With Alexander Habbe, Appleton painted transparencies to celebrate the Sydney visit of the Duke of Edinburgh in ...
Appleton, L.
Appleton was an engraver working in Sydney during the late nineteenth century.
Archer, William, b. 1820
Although best-known as an architect, William Archer was also a talented botanical artist. He assisted Dr Joseph Hooker at Kew Gardens with the 'Florae Tasmaniae' ...
Armitage, E.
Armitage exhibited in the 1875 Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition. Believed to have been taught by J.S. Bowman.
Mr Armstrong was a professional travelling photographer, who was variously at Avoca in NSW in 1867 and then at Dunolly, Victoria in 1873.
Armstrong, Mary Ann, b. 1838
Mary Ann Armstrong (1838-1910) was a botanical fern artist who participated in a number of international and intercolonial exhibitions. She compiled and artistically arranged fern ...
Arrowsmith, Edward
Professional photographer of Clermont & Dalby, Qld & Gulgong, NSW during the 1860s and 1870s.
Ashton, George Rossi, b. 1857
Painter, illustrator and cartoonist, came to Australia at the encouragement of his brother Julian Ashton. Remained in Australia for 14 years mainly working as an ...
Audet, Elizabeth
Wife and presumed business partner of Maitland and Newcastle (NSW) photographer Jacob D. Audet, whom she married in Sydney in 1859.
Audet, Jacob D.
Painter and professional photographer of Maitland and Newcastle, NSW from the 1860s to the 1880s. Audet's wife Elizabeth was also a photographer and the two ...
Austin, George Brougham Hubert, b. 1859
Architectural draughtsman, architect and inventor. Austin designed the invitation card for the opening of the first Federal Parliament in 1901 and as an employee of ...
Austin, William
Draughtsman and painter who exhibited his watercolours in Victoria, Queensland and London. Austin witnessed the arrival of the first gold escort and depicted this event ...
Ayres, Frederick
Sketcher, student of Mr Ward who exhibited his drawings with the NSW Academy of Art and the Agricultural Society of NSW.
Azzopardi, Angelo, b. 1847
Printer from Melbourne in the mid to late 19th century. Azzopardi was also a wood-engraver and a watercolour painter who exhibited his paintings in the ...
B., A. B.
Little is know of the sketcher whose 1871 wash drawing 'Kangaroo Island, South Australia' was initialled 'A.B.B.' The work was bequeathed to the National Library ...
B., F.
Sketcher and art student. F.B. was a pupil of Mrs Vaillant's who exhibited with the NSW Academy of Arts in 1875.
Baass, J. C. H., b. 1837
Lithographer. Baass exhibited at the Sydney Intercolonial Exhibition in 1870.