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"Madame Ravier from Paris" taught drawing, perspective, monochromatic painting and French from her home in St.Kilda, and exhibited twice in the Victorian Society of Fine ...
Rayner, Hewitt Henry, b. 1902
Australian-born Hewitt Henry Rayner (1902-1957), went to England in 1923 and trained under Walter Richard Sickert at London's Royal Academy Schools. He produced more than ...
Raynor, Harry, b. 1891
Harry Raynor's portraits and Aboriginal studies of the 1920s and 1930s make an important contribution to our knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal representations from this ...
Read, Charles Rudston, b. 1818
Charles Rudston Read first visited Australia as a young naval officer in 1838. His career enabled him to travel to China, Brazil, the Pacific Islands ...
Read, James A.
James A. Read's "Punch" covers depicted his local imitation of London's Mr Punch dispensing 'Fun' from 'his inexhaustible bottle'. Read was also accredited for the ...
Read, Richard Daniel, b. 1765
Richard Read (senior) was sentenced to fourteen years' transportation for possession of forged notes and arrived in Sydney on the Earl Spencer on 9 October ...
Rees, Lloyd, b. 1895
Lloyd Rees began his career as an architectural draughtsman, and established his reputation as an artist with detailed pen and pencil drawings of around Sydney. ...
Reid, Mark, b. 1842
Mark Watt Reid, Scottish sketcher and station manager, arrived in New South Wales in 1858. His drawing of Woodstock, the property he managed in 1865 ...
Reidy, Lilla, b. 1858
Lilla Reidy, sketcher and painter, exhibited regularly with the Victorian Artists' Society from 1895 to 1910. During the 1890s she worked at Charterisville with Emanuel ...
Rennie, , b.
Miss Rennie arrived in Sydney in 1840. She opened a day school for young ladies and taught music, drawing, ornamental work, and languages. Students also ...
Reveley, Henry Willey, b. 1788
English born Henry Willey Reveley, sketcher, architect and civil engineer, was responsible for the design and supervision of public works at Fremantle, Perth and outlying ...
Rhubens, George
George Rhubens, portraitist, resided in Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, in the 1840s. On 2 July 1847 the Colonial Times announced the publication of a ...
Richards, Charles
Charles Richards, art student, was awarded the prize for the best freehand scroll drawing copied from the London School of Design's outline patterns, at the ...
Richards, Richard Henry, b. 1856
Richard Henry Richards, sketcher, calligrapher and draughtsman, died at the age of 20. His masterpiece was considered to be a portrait of Kaiser Wilhelm of ...
Richardson, Charles Douglas
Charles Douglas Richardson, illustrator and sculptor, drew 'Aborigines Attacking Bushman' a full-size plate from an unidentified publication, possibly the Australasian Sketcher.
Richardson, George, b. 1822
George Bouchier Richardson, sketcher, engraver, watercolourist and editor, 'regretted the necessity which compelled him to join his parents in Australia in 1854, but hoped that ...
Richardson, Robert
Robert Richardson, sketcher and marine captain, drew a watercolour view of Pinchgut (Fort Denison, Sydney Harbour) in 1848.
Richardson, Eva, b. 1936
Eva Richardson is a Trawlwoolway kelp-work artist who has a "kelp water carrier" in the permanent collection of the National Gallery of Australia. Eva also ...
Richardson, John, b. 1818
John Richardson, painter, professional photographer and teacher, trained at the Royal Academy, London. He painted scenes from British history and literature, as well as copies ...
Rickards, Harry
Harry Rickards was a sketcher who exhibited chalk drawings at Melbourne's 1866 Intercolonial Exhibition when living in Peel Street, Windsor, a Melbourne suburb.