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What Should the Federal Government do for You

by Levine, Les.

Les Levine, visiting artists (USA)

Magic Carpet

by Levine, Les.

Les Levine, visiting artists (USA)

Reindeer Werk Installation

by Reindeer Werk.

three UK artists, installation investigating abreactive behaviour

Women's Directory Seminars


Margaret Dodd coordinated meeting to discuss collation of directory

Vibrations/Images from Nature

by Cross, Peter.

Peter Cross and students from Adelaide University, concert/ experimental music, ideas from sounds out of drawings


by Fari, Pier.

Pier Fari, films by Italian artists, part of Italian Festival


by Brisley, Stuart.

Stuart Brisley (UK) performance in Experimental Art Foundation basement 26 hour endurance piece; event videotaped in full by Jim Cowley, Barbara Provo, Bob Ramsey, Melanie ...

Music Lecture Series

by Linz, Rainer.

10 lectures in structure and form in music from baroque period to 1970s

Art and Architecture Symposium

by Brook, Donald, Dolan, David, Ewington, Julie, Medlin, Brian, Ramsay, Bob.

Donald Brook, Brian Medlin, David Dolan, Bob Ramsay, and others, public discussion of papers given arising from the opening of the environmental sculpture by West ...

Art and the Social Institutions

by Brook, Donald.

Donald Brook, two lectures

Fallout Follies

by State Theatre Company of South Australia.

SA Theatre Company, theatre performance on uranium issue


by Brook, Donald.

Donald Brook on formalism, critical assessment of Clement Greenberg's theories of art


by Burn, Ian.

Ian Burn, a talk on the context of art, challenging the concept of 'free and neutral' artworks

Friday Nights at the EAF

by Noakes, Roger, Richter, Sue.

Sue Richter, Roger Noakes, performance

Friday Nights at the EAF

by Jureidini, Khail, Knottenbelt, Rob, Ramsay, Bob, Strachan, Tony, Thompson, Dorothy, Tipping, Richard Kelly, de Gruchy, Ian.

Bob Ramsay, Rob Knottenbelt, Ian de Gruchy, Tony Strachan, Richard Tipping, Dot Thompson, Khail Jureidini, Cult Objects, performance

Concerto in B Sharp

by Jones, Bo.

Installation with violin and beehive, life cast, music

Festival Events

by Burt, Warren, Davis, Graeme, Mann, Chris, Moore, Dennis, Stitt, Peter, Weiss, Curtis.

Warren Burt, Graeme Davis, Curtis Weiss and Dennis Moore, Punk Theatre of Paris; Chris Mann and others; music, performance, poetry; Hare, Peter Stitt and Geelong ...