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Artists in Residence

by Gunn, Fiona, Maxwell, Ailsa.

Artists in Residence Fiona Gunn and Ailsa Maxwell Exhibition of work produced during residency held in December

Film and Video program

by Cummins, Stephen, Gunn, Fiona, Handsaker, Peter, Howell, Anthony, Kreckler, Derek, Lagzdina, Vineta, Maxwell, Ailsa, Scott, Jill, Sheehan, Kevin, Vogan, Cathy, Wilkins, Caroline.

A program of recent Sydney film, sound and video work, co-ordinated by artists in residence Fiona Gunn and Ailsa Maxwell

False and Other Horizons

by Gunn, Fiona, Maxwell, Ailsa.

An exhibition of Ailsa Maxwell and Fiona Gunn's work produced during their residency at EAF Nov-Dec 1985 (carried over from Dec 1985).

Truth Rules II

by Goodwin, Christine.

A national exhibition of socially concerned posters and prints. Guest curator Christine Goodwin

Another Periphery

by Dittborn, Eugenio.

Adelaide Festival of Arts: 2 March- 'Art in Chile: Margins and Institution': Slide/audio installation accompanied by video program delineating the conditions of production and the ...

Performance Night

by Harris, Pam, Hubrechsen, Jan Marinus, Luke, Michelle, Petrusevics, Andrew, Stock, Andrew, Walwicz, Ania.

Performances by Pam Harris and Michele Luke; Ania Walwicz ('Father'); Jan Hubruchsen ('5000 years of Indian Motion Picture Music'); Andrew Stock ('A Small Section of ...

Geometry, Lesley Redgate

by Redgate, Lesley.

Solo exhibition of 17 paintings.

Guest Lecture

by La Frenais, Rob.

Rob La Frenais, Editor, 'Performance' magazine

Teransiourus Rex

by Boyd, Adam, Hirst, Janelle, Lake, Russel.

O'Flate from Queensland (Adam Boyd; Janelle Hurst; Russell Lake)


by Hemensley, Kris, Owen, Jan, Sasnaitis, Jurate, Snowden, Collette, Walwicz, Ania.

Melbourne/Adelaide: Jurate Sasnaitis and Kris Hemensley (Melb)gave papers describing parallels between oppositional poetry of the 40s and 60s in Melbourne and the current Melbourne scene; ...


by Boult, Jenny, Forbes, John , Hampton, Susan, Walwicz, Ania.

Sydney/Adelaide: Susan Hampton and John Forbes dealing with the issues and reading with Jenny Boult (Adelaide) and Michael Davies and artist in residence, Ania Walwicz. ...

"Post-Object Show" Revisited

by Allan, Micky, Burns, Tim, Coleing, Anthony John, Coventry, Virginia, Dadson, Phil, Danko, Aleks, Ford, Sue, Wallace-Crabbe, Robin.

Organised and toured by EAF in 1976- based on the notion of communication within a uniform format the exhibition included work by Micky Allan, Alex ...

The Renegotiated Image

by Armstrong, Bruce, Boston, Paul, Ferran, Anne, Hall, Fiona, Makigawa, Akio, Purhonen, Ari, Redgate, Jacky, Rudyard, Carol.

(excerpts from Perspecta): including Fiona Hall, Ann Ferran, Jackie Redgate, Paul Boston, Akio Makegawa, Ari Purhonen, Carol Rudyard, Bruce Armstrong, Lisa Fleistad. (opened 4-6pm Friday, ...

Performance Night

by Petrusevics, Andrew, Watt, David, Wigg, Steven.

Performance Night at EAF 18 July 7pm David Watt and Steven Wigg; Andrew Petrusevics and the Busstops

Artists Books workshop

by Hall, Fiona.

Artists Books workshops by Fiona Hall 2-5pm 19 July 26 July 2 August 9 August 16 August 23 August

Murals in international and national context

by Ruff, Carol.

Carol Ruff guest lecture 29 July 6.30pm

Robert Mapplethorpe

by Mapplethorpe, Robert.

Exhibition courtesy of ACCA opening 10 August

A Version/s

by Dauth, Louise, Petrusevics, Andrew, da Rimini, Francesca .

Exhibition of versions of the missing Picasso 'Weeping Woman' stolen from the National Gallery of Victoria. Organised by Andrew Petrusevics, Louise Dauth (director), paintings submitted ...

Screenings of "New American Video"

by Handhardt, John.

John Handhardt, curator of Film and Video at Whitney Museum, New York 18-22 August, Lectures (EAF) and screening of collection of American video (Media Resources ...

House About Wollongong & East End: before and after

by Waller, Ruth.

2 Community Arts Exhibitions hosted by EAF to coincide with the National Community Arts Conference in Adelaide