Ben Wickham's assured skill as a draftsman was evident in his early exhibiting career but his peripatetic lifestyle mitigated against its full development.
Irish colonial female artist who turned from exhibiting her oils, watercolours, pencil and crayon drawings of biblical themes towards teaching. Between 1864 and 1875, she ...
Colonial teacher who taught young gentlemen drawing amongst other things in his Launceston academy and may have worked in England and Van Diemens Land (Tasmania).
Sketcher, second daughter of Austin Forrest Wilshire, a Sydney merchant, and Eliza, née Pitt, married Frank Lord in Sydney 1871. Her undated pencil sketch on ...
Sketcher, eldest daughter of Austin Forrest Wilshire and Eliza, née Pitt, married Edward Southwell Ruthven on 31 March 1874. Her pencil drawing 'Garden Island' is ...
Native colonial whose claim to fame as first-born Australian artist belied the fact he took up landscape only because of the threat of photography to ...
James Glen Wilson was a landscape painter, naval photographer and surveyor. Irish born, Wilson was chosen to accompany the expedition to the South Seas. This ...
sketcher and teacher, in Sydney. An inscription attributes the sketch '[Country] House of Sir Francis Forbes, Emu Plains, Nepean' (ML) to him. Two of his ...
Charles Algernon Wilson was not only a natural history painter and sketcher but also a solicitor, public servant and entomologist. In 1860 he was elected ...