Mason played an active design role in Melbourne over thirty years. Mason moved to Melbourne in 1961 and joined the advertising agency USP Benson, where ...
Maughan was a painter, cartoonist, commercial artist, clerk, theatrical designer and producer. Reproductions of anti-war images by Otto Dix and George Grosz had a deep ...
Female artist of the Slade School and Académie Montmartre who studied under Henry Moore and Ferdinand Léger. Mayo briefly produced tourist posters in Australia after ...
Mid 20th century painter, cartoonist and commercial artist. Her parents' great friend Norman Lindsay taught her to draw and throughout the course of her career ...
McGrath was awarded the first Art Diploma (Sculpture Honours), at East Sydney Technical College. She studied under Raynor Hoff, and left Australia in 1933, studying ...
Sketcher, penman and designer, Meek produced what are thought to be the earliest drawings made on the Ballarat goldfields. He was also well known for ...
Federation era painter, craftworker and illustrator, Meeson Coates was married to fellow painter George Coates and was an active participant in the Suffrage movement in ...
Susan Milne teaches sculpture at Eramboo. She has been collaborating with fellow artist Greg Stonehouse for the last twenty years. Milne and Stonehouse have created ...