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A sketcher who exhibited several chalk drawings at the 1862 Geelong Exhibition of Art, Science and Industry and who may have been the son of ...
Fraser, James Tatton B.
James Tatton B. Fraser was a sketcher and explorer. Yet his images were not included in fellow explorer Robert Austin's published journal of their expedition. ...
Fraser, Peter Gordon, b. 1808
Critics considered Fraser's work as proof of the healthy state of local art: 'If our amateurs can produce drawings of such feeling and such skill...we ...
Fraser, T. M.
A miniature painter who exhibited paintings on ivory at the 1863 Ballarat Mechanics Institute Exhibition.
Frazer, George, b. 1834
Soldier and cabinetmaker who arrived in Australia in 1864.
Freeman, George John, b. 1843
George John Freeman was a professional photographer and photographic showman. He arrived at South Australia in 1861. Throughout his professional career Freeman enthusiastically experimented with ...
Freeman, James, b. 1814
As professional collaborators, James and William Freeman achieved great success with their quality portraits and innovative approach. Their unusually elongated studio enabled them to overcome ...
Freer, H.
A sketcher who showed a drawing of Windsor Castle at the 1866 Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition. Miss Freer was living at that time in Geelong, Victoria.
Freyberger, H. M., b. 1838
A painter and part time photographer, Freyberger was best known as a scene painter in Melbourne theatres in the 1860s and 1870s. He also painted ...
Frisbee, Charles R., b.
Engraver responsible for many theatrical posters pasted up in Melbourne during the late 1850s and 1860s.
Frith, Frederick, b. 1819
Painter and professional photographer Frith's artistic legacy lies as a portrait and animal painter who pursued commercial success in Melbourne and Hobart.
Frith, Henry Albert, b.
Photographer and businessman. Started Frith and Co's studio in Tasmania with his brother. They provided a service that allowed enlargements of their photographs to be ...
Fry, John V., b. 1831
Scene-painter and actor, worked for various theatrical companies creating sets in theatres primarily in the cities of Melbourne and Adelaide.
Funnell, J. R.
Professional photographer working in Brisbane in the 1860's.
Watercolourist, enjoyed painting works depicting flowers and butterflies.
G., A.
Sketcher, filled a sketchbook with views while living in Sydney in 1859-60. Most are watercolours and all are monogrammed (somewhat indecipherably) and dated. They include ...
Galbraith, William, b. 1822
Starting their business with a single lithographic press, the partnership Penman & Galbraith became South Australia's longest-running and most important art-printing establishment.
Gale, Francis, b.
Portrait photographer based in Queanbeyan, NSW between 1860 and 1862, where he opened the first photographic studio in the district.
Gameau, Ellen, b.
Flower painter, exhibited in SA. She was a prize winner at an exhibition of the South Australian Society of Arts in 1864.
Garard, J.
A painter who worked from his premises in Sydney on transparencies in the early to mid 1860s.