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South Australian Society of Arts exhibitions

For the best oil painting, original or copy, by a native of the province, 1864 and 1865

South Australian Society of Arts

Most meritorious picture by a young lady

South Australian Society of Arts

Prize of one guinea for a sepia drawing

South Australian Society of Arts

For the most meritorious drawing by a pupil of the School of Design

South Australian Society of Arts

Best watercolour painting

Awarded a prize for a study of a head in crayons (apparently a copy).

Shown with the South Australian Society of Arts.

South Australian Society of Arts

Most meritorious original picture by a young lady

South Australian Society of Arts exhibition

Mr N. Blythe's prize for a study of a head in crayons

South Australian Society of Arts exhibition

Bishop's second prize for a drawing by a pupil of Charles Hill's School of Design

South Australian Society of Arts

Best Oil Painting illustrative of an event in the history of South Australia