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South Australian Society of Arts exhibition

Awarded guinea prize for 'the best Drawing, Pencil Landscape of Colonial Scenery for Competitors not over 12 years of age, original or copy'

South Australian Society of Arts exhibition

Principal watercolour prize

South Australian Society of the Arts

Two prizes for crayon drawings

Exhibition of the South Australian Society of Arts

For the next best Watercolour Painting, Fruit or Flowers, or both, by Ladies, original or copy

Exhibition of the South Australian Society of Arts

Best watercolour painting of fruit or flowers, open section

Exhibition of the South Australian Society of Arts

Best crayon drawing in black and white, from the Round, by Amateurs

South Australian Society of Arts Eleventh Annual Exhibition

5-guinea prize for the best South Australian oil landscape painting

South Australian Society of Arts

A guinea prize for the best modelling in clay

1867, guinea prize for 'the best drawing in Indian Ink, Pen and Ink, or Neutral Tint, or any Combination of them, by ladies, original or copy', exhibition of the South Australian Society of Arts, SA

Guinea prize for 'the best drawing in Indian Ink, Pen and Ink, or Neutral Tint, or any Combination of them, by ladies, original or copy',

Paris Universal Exhibition

Prize unspecified