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Ashton, James, b. 1859
Influential Federation era Adelaide painter, illustrator and art teacher. Ashton, the father of painter Will Ashton, is best known for establishing the Academy of Arts, ...
Barnes, William Rodney, b. 1851
Early 20th century cartoonist, painter, illustrator and theatrical designer; active in Melbourne, New Zealand and America.
Begg, Samuel, b. 1854
Late colonial era cartoonist, illustrator and sculptor. London-born Begg arrived in Sydney in 1877 via New Zealand. He and William Macleod were the only professional ...
Bradley, Luther, b. 1853
Late colonial-era American cartoonist and illustrator who spent a decade working in Melbourne. From 1888-1893 he was the principle artist at Melbourne Punch after the ...
Cantle, John Mitchell, b. 1849
Late colonial era ornithological painter, illustrator, cartoonist and postcard designer. One major catalogued private collection of Cantle's ornithological paintings exists, the works each annotated and ...
Carrington, Francis Thomas Deane, b. 1843
Prolific late colonial Melbourne cartoonist and art critic.
Clint, Alfred, b. 1843
A Colonial-era cartoonist, illustrator and scene-painter, Alfred Clint contributed works to the Ballarat and Sydney editions of Punch among others. Equally well-known for his work ...
Cohen, Morris E., b. 1866
Federation era Victorian caricaturist, illustrator and pastellist.
Colquhoun, Alexander, b. 1862
Federation era Victorian painter and illustrator.
Dancey, George Henry, b. 1864
British born Federation era cartoonist and stained glass designer.
Daplyn, Alfred James, b. 1844
Daplyn was an English born painter, art teacher, journalist, and arts administrator. Although his work is little known today, he was an important early advocate ...
Egersdörfer, Heinrich, b. 1853
Late colonial era German-born painter, illustrator and cartoonist. Worked in Sydney and Melbourne as well as Cape Town, South Africa. He founded 'The South African ...
Esam, Arthur
Colonial era Adelaide newspaper illustrator. Esam drew old-time coaching scenes for 'Frearson's Weekly.'
Fischer, Amandus Julius, b. 1859
Federation era Sydney magazine and newspaper cartoonist, painter and book illustrator.
Fullwood, A. H., b. 1863
Leading late colonial era painter, cartoonist and illustrator.
Gasking, John, b. 1861
Federation era Sydney and Queensland sketcher, cartoonist and illustrator.
Hopkins, Livingston, b. 1846
A conservative and influential late colonial era Bulletin cartoonist, who came to Australia after a successful career in the US. He was known as an ...
Johnson, William Elliott, b. 1862
Federation-era amateur topographical artist, lithographer and Federal politician. Johnson assisted his father as a scenic artist at Covent Garden in London before migrating to Australia.
Lister, William Lister, b. 1859
As well as being a prolific landscape artist, Lister was President of the Royal Art Society of NSW and a trustee of the National Art ...
Macleod, William, b. 1850
Federation era painter, cartoonist, illustrator, stained-glass designer and businessman. One of the founding Bulletin artists and editors.