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Abbold, Charles
Sketcher and cartoonist, Abbold's subjects ranged from scenes of the voyage from England to life on the Victorian goldfields.
Archer, Alexander, b. 1828
Member of a large enterprising colonial family which included a number of fellow artists, Archer worked for a number of years for the Bank of ...
Barnes, William R.
Colonial era Melbourne cartoonist, Barnes Snr was a staff artist on 'Melbourne Punch' c.1855-1860 and there is some speculation that either he or his son ...
Campbell, Oswald Rose, b. 1820
Leading colonial art teacher and painter.
Chevalier, Nicholas, b. 1828
Painter, lithographer and illustrator born in St Petersburg, Russia. Resident of Melbourne, New Zealand and England. Chevalier was a leading and somewhat flamboyant figure in ...
Cooke, Albert Charles, b. 1836
Late colonial era painter, engraver, cartoonist (attributed), illustrator and draughtsman.
Daplyn, Alfred James, b. 1844
Daplyn was an English born painter, art teacher, journalist, and arts administrator. Although his work is little known today, he was an important early advocate ...
Gill, John, b. 1797
Colonial era Victorian architect and attributed cartoonist.
Gill, Samuel, b. 1818
Colonial era watercolourist, lithographer and presumably photographer who documented exploration and the Gold Rush in Australia.
Glover, Henry, b. 1828
Colonial era cartoonist, sketcher and lithographer.
Gray, Elizabeth, b.
Elizabeth Gray received a royal commission after presenting two vases made from black swan eggs on which she had etched 'some sketches of natural history' ...
Habbe, Alexander Christian, b. 1829
Colonial era Danish-born scene-painter, cartoonist and soldier. Habbe's scenes painted for the Christmas pantomimes at the Opera House rivalled those of John Hennings at the ...
Henderson, John Black, b. 1827
Late colonial-era painter, sketcher, comic illustrator, amateur photographer and surveyor. A founding member of the Victorian Academy of Arts in 1870, Henderson showed six landscapes ...
Le Plastrier, Henry John
Colonial era Victorian illustrator and accountant. Bailliere's 'Melbourne Directory' for 1868, 1870 and 1871 lists Leplastrier as an accountant with Her Majesty's Customs.
Macredie, Andrew, b.
Scottish colonial pastoralist who made fun of his unsuspecting Presbyterian neighbours with his cut paper silhouettes depicting caricatures cavorting with fantasy creatures.
Mason, Cyrus, b. 1829
English colonial male lithographer, watercolourist, and draughtsman. His diverse career included writing and illustrating children's books, teaching, publishing newspapers, public speaking and founding music and ...
Moore, Edward Charles
Colonial era Ballarat cartoonist, sketcher, actor and businessman
Nash, John Franklin
A wood engraver who had his own printing and engraving office in West Melbourne and advertised that he was a draughtsman, designer and engraver on ...
Norton, Charles, b. 1826
Colonial era Victorian sketcher, cartoonist, amateur photographer(?), architect, squatter and civil servant.
Patterson, W. H.
W.H. Patterson was a colonial period painter and newspaper illustrator who spent time in Bendigo, Victoria.