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Chan, William, b. 1857
William Chan was born in 1857. He was a carpenter and wood turner. Chan is also listed as an upholsterer in the 1884-89 Almanacks.
Clarke, Ethel
Ethel Clarke was a watercolorist, oil painter, weaver and lacemaker. She exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts and Western Australian Women's Society of ...
Clifford, William, b. 1838
William Clifford was born in 1838. He was a cabinetmaker who arrived in 1864.
Clifton, Kate
Painter and embroiderer. Her husband, Charles Leslie Worsley Clifton, was the first manager of the Fremantle branch of the Western Australian Bank.
Cohen, Eustace Gresley, b. 1882
Architect and designer who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1920 and 1922. Cohen's architecture was distinctive and he designed furniture in ...
Cooper, Revel, b. 1934
Revel Cooper is a key figure in the Carrolup School of Nyungar landscape painting.
Costarella, Ray
Perth-based fashion designer and founder of the label Aurelio Costarella.
Courthope, Annie Harriet, b. 1850
Annie Harriet Courthope was born in 1850. She was embroiderer who was the eldest daughter of Edward Lane Courthope, Auditor General of the Colony of ...
Crocker, John Samuel, b. 1855
Cabinetmaker employed by Smith & Co. Crocker arrived in 1883 and met his death by being run over by a train.
Cross, Arthur G., b. 1884
Arthur G. Cross was born around 1884. He was a metalsmith, silversmith and jeweller. Cross trained at the Sir John Cass Institute. He contracted tubercolosis ...
Cummings, Douglas Laurie, b. 1897
Sign writer, watercolourist, policeman, photographer and graphic artist who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts and designed the Pitman & Walsh Memorial in ...
Cummings, William
William Cummings was a furniture maker. Antique dealers Lauder & Howard have handled a jarrah chiffonier made around 1870 and signed W. Cumming on an ...
Cunningham, J. Jnr
Cabinetmaker who worked in Fremantle, Western Australia. Cunningham was listed in the Almanacks from 1883-89.
Cutten, Len, b. 1910
Watercolorist and graphic artist who exhibited with the Perth Society of Artists and West Australian Society of Arts.
Dalziell, John George, b. 1870
Cabinetmaker who worked in Perth in 1894/1895.
Darbyshire, Jo, b. 1961
Painter, designer, political activist and a member of Women for Survival, Jo Darbyshire has created a number of works highlighting feminist issues.
Davies, Arthur Elvin, b. 1862
Perth-based cabinetmaker who became an importer of furniture.
Davis, Thomas, b. 1829
Thomas Davis was born in 1829. He was a cabinetmaker who worked at Perth and Fremantle.