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Cmielewski, Leon
Leon Cmielewski is a new media artist. Often collaborates with Josephine Starrs and has produced a variety of hybrid media art installations.
Gibbs, Anna
Artist, digital and multimedia textual artist, writer and theorist.
Murphie, Andrew, b. 1958
Andrew Murphie is a writer and artist who thinks in and through multiple media forms
Smith, Hazel
Hazel Smith works in the areas of writing, performance, multi media and text based digital art
Farman, Nola, b. 1939
Nola Farman is an interdisciplinary artist who works in whatever medium suits the concept. Her work ranges from permanent public sculpture through installation, painting, drawing ...
Mauro-Flude, Nancy, b. 1975
Nancy Mauro-Flude is a performance artist. Her artistic work is heavily influenced by arcane practices, theatre and computer culture.
Nelson, Jason, b. 1981
Jason Nelson is a digital poet and net artist
Rackham, Melinda, b. 1959
Melinda Rackham is an network and media artist, curator, editor and writer. She has been working online since the mid 1990's in Australia and Internationally.
A collaboration between Norie Neumark and Maria Miranda.
Visiting artist

by Gerz, Jochen.

Jochen Gerz, German photographer working in art and text lecture on Art and Germany- current and recent past- WWII to today