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Huxley, Nicholas, b.
Huxley is an educator and as a designer, he has been active in film, television, and fashion magazines. He retired as Head Teacher, TAFE NSW ...
Molnar, George, b. 1910
Molnar was an architect, cartoonist, watercolourist, illustrator and architecture lecturer at Sydney University and the University of NSW. His lecturers were highly praised by students. ...

by de Gruchy, Ian.

Ian de Gruchy speaking about his work undertaken in New York and London and the current work of Kristof Wydinski

Guest Lecturers

by Dezhou, Shang, Zhijian, Luo.

Luo Zhijian and Shang Dezhou visiting artists from Shaanxi Province, China

Guest Lecture

by Greenblat, Rodney Alan.

Rodney Alan Greenblat (US) about his work

Bayliss, Clifford William, b. 1912
Bayliss trained in Melbourne, winning a Gallery Art School Scholarship in 1935. Later training in London, after the 1939-45 War, he became a production assistant ...
Frater, William, b. 1890
Frater's career began with an apprenticeship in glass design in Scotland. He arrived in Melbourne 1910, worked with Brooks, Robinson and Co. in stained glass, ...
Norton, Frank, b. 1916
Norton was appointed a WWII war artist with the RAN and the RAAF, later re-appointed as official war artist in the Korean War. Hhe taught ...
Smith, John, b. 1948
Smith was a furniture design and maker who initially trained in the graphic arts, later turning to 3-D design. Appointed Head of Wood/Furniture Design at ...
de Gruchy, Graham
De Gruchy is a South African architect and designer associated with the design retailer "Craftsman's Market", Brisbane. He worked for the Qld Public Works department ...
Hearn, Ray, b. 1943
add ref for MA
Corbet, David, b. 1955
David Corbet is an educator, artist/designer, writer, editor and curator. He teaches in the Art and Design domains at UNSW and the University of Sydney. ...
Ingham, George, b. 1940
Ingham was a furniture designer and maker with extensive training in England. He combined teaching, designing and making in the UK before taking a position ...
Art and the Social Institutions

by Brook, Donald.

Donald Brook, two lectures


by Brook, Donald.

Donald Brook on formalism, critical assessment of Clement Greenberg's theories of art


by Burn, Ian.

Ian Burn, a talk on the context of art, challenging the concept of 'free and neutral' artworks