Share images with us

Help us make DAAO a truly useful research resource by contributing images.

There are different ways to add images depending on whether you are a Member or a Moderator.
• Members can upload images via Flickr
• Moderators can link directly to external websites (with permission from the external site admins).


If you hold copyright to an image of a work, or have permission from the copyright holder, you can link these images to DAAO. You can also add images using our Flickr project.

To add images through Flickr:

1. Upload your images to Flickr. Important: If you flag your photos as ‘hide this photo from public searches’ your photos cannot be transferred into Design & Art Australia Online.

2. Grab the Flickr image URL and paste it into the image URL field of the Upload New Image form in DAAO.

To make images optimal for database use, consider licensing your image with Creative Commons. Just remember these three things:
• Include detailed titles, descriptions and tags
• Upload high-resolution images, e.g. 2500 × 1900 pixels
• Include alternative contact details or check Flickr mail regularly


Moderators can upload images to Flickr. They can also link to images from external sites once they have permission from the external site admins.

To add images from external sites:

1. Read the Links Policy.

2. Make sure you have permission to use thumbnail images from another site. You will not be able to upload images unless you warrant that you have gained permission.

3. You will need to upload two separate links:
a) Image URL – this link always ends in .jpg
b) Source page URL – this is the page the user will go to once they click on the thumbnail