
  • 'National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, ACT’.

  • Thomas, D., North, I., & McCarthy F. (1972), 'The Australian Landscape’.

  • Gibson, Frank (1914), 'Charles Conder: His Life and Work’, London, UK.

  • Rothenstein, John (1938), 'The Life and Death of Conder’, London, UK.

  • Wood, T. Martin (1905), ''A room decorated by Charles Conder’,’, Studio, vol. 44, April.

  • Hoff, Ursula (1972), 'Charles Conder’, Melbourne, Vic. : Lansdowne.

  • Galbally, Ann and Gray, Anne (eds) (1989), 'Letters from Smike: The Letters of Arthur Streeton 1890-1943’, Melbourne, Vic. : Oxford University Press.

  • Eagle, Mary (1997), 'The Oil Paintings of Charles Conder in the National Gallery of Australia’, Canberra, ACT : National Gallery of Australia.

  • Galbally, Ann (2002), 'Charles Conder’, Melbourne, Vic. : Miegunyah Press.

  • Ann Galbally and Barry Pearce: (2003), 'Charles Conder’, Sydney, NSW : Art Gallery of New South Wales.

Initial data sources

  • National Gallery of Australia