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Milton, Qld.: Numero Uno Publications, Grahame Galleries, Editions, limited edition of 10 copies with 5 proofs, poetry by Anne Kirker, 8 leaves (7 folded): col. ill.; 20 × 27 cm.
London : Virtue, vi, 124 p., [63] leaves of plates; vii, p. 126 – p. 232, [55] leaves of plates, 9 col. maps ; 27 cm. Illustrated with drawings by John Skinner Prout, Nicholas Chevalier, etc.
Melbourne: Hamel & Ferguson, xxiv leaves of col. plates: chiefly ill.; 43 × 61 cm.
Castlemaine, Vic.: Unstable Press, limited edition of ten bound copies plus one artist proof, 1 v.: ill.; 27 cm.
Portland, Vic.: Carmel Wallace, 28 pieces on board: plastic and wood; 35 × 30 × 5.5 cm.
Portland, Vic.: Carmel Wallace, limited edition of 5 copies, [12] leaves, [12] leaves of plates: 12 col. ill.; 36 cm.
Sydney (15 Phillip St.): Printed by I.G.Austin, lithograph; 17.7 × 12 cm.
Sydney: [R. Jacks?], [12] leaves: all ill.; 12 × 13 cm.
Canberra: G. W. Bot, limited edition of 15 copies, 1 v.: col. ill.; 20 × 47 cm.
Melbourne: TZ, limited edition of 15 copies, 10 folded leaves: chiefly ill.; in box 39 × 29 × 4 cm.
[Melbourne]: Topfloor Press, limited edition of 10 copies plus 2 proofs, [48] p.: chiefly ill.; 23 cm.
West End, Qld.: Studio West End, limited edition of 200 copies, [30] leaves: all col. ill.; 15 × 15 cm.
Stanmore, NSW: Ant Press, limited edition of 10 copies with three artist’s proofs, [15] leaves: col. ill.; 23 × 33 cm.
Brisbane: D. Burnett, limited edition of seven copies, 1 v.: all ill.; 13 × 10 cm.
Castlemaine, Vic: Unstable Press, limited edition of ten boxed sets,1 v.: ill.; 26 × 32 cm.
Melbourne: Von Bork, limited edition of 16 copies, artists’ book contained within an altered book, [12] p.: all ill.; 13-22 cm.
London: Macmillan, 1891 last series, 76 p., [23] leaves of plates: ill. (some col.); 38 cm.
North Ftitzroy, Vic.: G. Haby and L. Jennison, limited edition of 16 copies, [8] folded p.: all col. ill.; 19 × 19 cm.
Melbourne: D. Williams, edition: 1/1, 1 v.: all col. ill.; 11 × 11 cm.
Canberra: K. & S. Nix, limited edition of 5 copies, 1 v. (unpaged): ill. (some col.); 14 cm in slipcase 15 × 15 cm.
Melbourne: La Bella Press, limited edition of 10 copies and 2 artists’ proofs, [12] leaves: col. ill.; 25 × 34 × 1 cm.
Melbourne: Littlewood Press, limited edition of 75 copies, 1 v. (various pagings): col. ill.; 39 cm.
Melbourne: National Press, limited edition of 100 copies, [4] p., [3] p. of plates: ill. (some col.); 35 cm.
New York: [R. Jacks?], [15] leaves: all col. ill.; 12 × 13 cm.
Melbourne: J. Ryrie, limited edition of 20 copies, 1 sheet folded to [8] leaves: all ill.; 25 × 130 cm. folded to 25 × 13 cm., in 26 cm boards.