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Caulfield, Vic.: Printed by the artist at Monash Caulfield Printmaking Studio, limited edition of 12 copies, [21] leaves: ill.; 20 cm.
Cottles Bridge, Vic: This Too Press, limited edition of 50 copies, [7] leaves: all col. ill.; 30 × 34 cm. + in clothbound box, 31 × 34 cm.
Toowoomba, Qld.: Ugg Boot Press, limited edition of 80 copies, [18] p.: ill.; 23 cm.
[Melbourne?]: M. Graf, Limited edition of 60 copies, 1 folded sheet ([7] leaves): col. ill.; 21 × 21 cm.
Melbourne: Masterthief, limited edition of 16, 1 v.: col. ill.; 22 cm.
[4] leaves: col. ill.; 95 × 69 cm. (folded to ca. 35 × 23 cm.) + [2] leaves (30 cm)
Melbourne: Lyre Bird Press & Zimmer Editions, limited edition of 30 copies, [7] leaves [some folded]: ill.; 51 cm.
Melbourne: [B. Leti], limited edition of 50 copies, [7] leaves, [37] leaves of plates: col. ill; 15 cm.
Melbourne: Angela Cavalieri, limited edition of 6 copies plus 2 artist proofs, [16] folded leaves of plates: col. ill.; 42 cm.
Sydney: Print Room Press, limited edition of 55 copies, i, 52 p.: ill.; 30 cm.
London: Printed for J. Debrett, [18], 299, [36] p., 65 leaves of plates: ill.; 32 cm.
Brunswick, [Vic.]: Messofa Press, limited edition of 6 copies plus 2 artists’ proofs, [14] leaves, [7] leaves of plates: 7 ill.; 34 cm.
Carlton, Vic.: Kei Murakami, 1 v.: all ill.; 11 × 11 cm.
Victoria: N. Waldron, 1 v.: ill.; 15cm. x 22cm.
Sydney (15 Phillip St.): Printed by I.G.Austin, lithograph; sheet 30 × 23.7 cm.
Townsville, Qld.: Lyre Bird Press; Melbourne, Vic: Zimmer Editions, limited edition of 30 copies, [18] p.: col. ill.; 52 cm.
Melbourne: Angela Cavalieri, limited edition of 6 copies and 2 artists’ proofs, [64] p.: ill.; 35 cm.
Sydney: Sands & Kenny, [39] leaves of plates; 22 × 29 cm.
Melbourne: Angela Cavalieri, edition number 2.
East Malvern, Vic.: Electio Editions, limited edition of 20 copies, [11] p., [4] leaves of plates: 4 col. ill; 15 × 18 cm.
Penneshaw, S. Aust.: Sally Schonfeldt, first edition in an ongoing project, 1 v.: all ill.; 11 × 11 cm.
Brisbane: Numero Uno Publications, Grahame Galleries & Editions, limited edition of 10 copies, and 2 artists’ proofs, [10] double leaves of plates: all ill.; 30 × 49 cm.
Milton, Qld.: Grahame Galleries + Editions, limited edition of 100 copies, [11] p.: 4 ill., 1 port.; 25 cm.
Braidwood, N.S.W.: Finlay Press, limited edition of 150 copies, 1 v. (unpaged): ill.; 20 cm.
North Warrandyte, Vic.: Tommaso Durante, limited edition of 15 copies plus six artists’ proofs, 1 v.: ill., plates; 21 × 21cm.