cartoonist and commercial artist, was art director at Claude Neon for 15 years. He also created 'Nursie’ and 'Judy’ strips for Sydney’s Mirror newspapers and worked for the Sun-Herald . An original cartoon done for the latter in 1955, 'Where did you sleep Herb?’, is in the Art Gallery of Western Australia (957/D315). An original wartime cartoon in the Johnson papers (ML Px*D69/495) shows a young male NES warden saying to a blonde “Put out that confounded light” (p.5, unidentified publication). At Petty’s Bar, Sydney in April 1945, Alderton drew a tortoise with a ball and chain on a group farewell card for 'Mick and George, the Dirrandbandi Coots’ next to a farting cow by Unk White and a Mercier drawing of Diogenes finding rain (original ML SV*CART/22).

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Kerr, Joan
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