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(1977), 'Dora Serle’, Frankston, Vic : McClelland Gallery catalogue.
Hammond, Victoria; & Peers, Juliet (1992), 'Completing the Picture’, East Hawthorn, Vic.
Peers, Juliet (1993), 'More Than Just Gumtrees’, Melbourne, Vic.
Serle, Dora (1908), 'Student life at Newlyn’, Victoria : V.A.S. (Victorian Artists’ Society), 12-08.
Serle, Geoffrey (1988), 'Percival Serle’, Melbourne, Vic : in Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 11, [Serle, G. (ed.)], Melbourne University Press.
(1896), Melbourne, Vic. : Age, 01-28.
(1896), Argus, 01-28.
Information sourced from Lane, Terence.
Serle, Dora, 'Memoir’, Written for Lina Bryans (copy).
Information sourced from Clark, Jane.
Information sourced from Miley, Caroline.
Information sourced from Peers, Juliet.