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“William Latchford and Sons.” Architecture and Arts, March 1962, p.17 (illus)
“William Latchford and Sons.” Building, Lighting, Engineering, Oct 1963, p.88
Terence Lane. One Hundred Modern Chairs. National Gallery of Victoria, 1974
Joyce Turner. “Under License.” The Age, 30 August 1966, p.8
“William Latchford & Sons.” Building, Lighting, Engineering, October 1963, pp.88-89. Illus. article about their furniture under license, Rison, Knoll, Mies, Bertoia, Saarinen
Kirsty Grant, et al. Mid-Century Modern. Australian Furniture Design. Natl Gallery of Victoria, 2014, p.14.
Nanette Carter & Robyn Oswald-Jacobs. Frances Burke, Designer of Modern Textiles. Melbourne Univ. Press, 2021, 221 pages, illustrated, p.65