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The Art Gallery of New South Wales began in the 1870s as an aspect of the Academy of Art. Later it became known as the National Art Gallery of NSW. This name persisted beyond Federation in 1901. It was given its present name in 1958.
It remains the principal collecting and exhibiting body in NSW and is governed by the Art Gallery of New South Wales Act of 1980.
Opened on 28 February 2004 Shoalhaven Regional Gallery, Nowra (formerly Shoalhaven City Arts Centre & Regional Gallery) is administered by Shoalhaven City Council. It was established on the site of a former TAFE building in 2003 and refurbished by the Shoalhaven City Council with funding support from NSW Ministry of the Arts and the Australian Government Regional Partnership Program
The UNSW Art Collection began in 1955 and has grown steadily through purchase and donation to number over 1000 works of Australian art dated since the mid-twentieth century.