Cartoonist, had the tops of three fingers on his right (drawing) hand blown off in a childhood accident. During WWII he was political cartoonist on the Northern Daily Leader , Tamworth, NSW, providing daily cartoons for page 2 from Tuesday to Friday (Monday was a map). A collection of McClelland’s cartoons was exhibited post-war in a show he called 'War Through Artist’s Eyes’ and James’s son, Philip Ian McClelland, published a selection of these in 1977 entitled Another Scrap of Paper: World War II in Contemporary Cartoons with 'Uncle Sam’, 'Uncle Joe’, 'The Little General’, 'Bulldogs’, 'Hounds’, 'Roosters’ and 'Eagles’, as compiled by Philip Ian McClelland (Macarthur Press, Parramatta, 1977) [by] James McClelland. Very sub-Low in style and subject; signed work 'J. McClelland’.

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Kerr, Joan
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