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An exhibition of three generations of studio ceramics in Australia, from the 1960s when potters were influenced by Bernard Leach’s understanding of Japanese aesthetics, to a more liberated creative approach.
It was drawn in its entirety from the collection of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences.
Opened by Deborah Mills and the Lord Mayor of Newcastle, 8 March 1995. Curator: Annette Larkin.
'Clay Statements’ exhibition in Toowoomba then as 'Exhibited’ Queensland Art Gallery 8.12.1986- 26.1.1987
Artists –
Noel Flood, Gwyn Hanssen Pigott, Stephen Harrison,
Roderick Bamford, Garry Bish, Greg Crowe,
Greg Daly, Ivan Englund, Patsy Hely,
Martin Kelly, Bronwyn Kemp, Janet Mansfield,
Ian McKay, Kathrin McMiles, Jeff Mincham,
Lyndal Moor, Fiona Murphy, Jenny Orchard,
Susan Ostling, Warren Palmer, Dianne Peach,
David Potter, Arthur Rosser, Carol Rosser,
Barbara Swarbrick, Stefan Szonyi,
Sandra Taylor, Mark Themann.
A 24 page catalogue is held in Australian Libraries.
Artists :
Noel Flood, P.Rushworth, A.Watt, B.Neil,
B.Cockram, T.Cockram, John Dermer,
G.Dodds, I.Englund, E.Feldman, John Gilbert, Gillian Grigg, Peter Hook, J.Lord, J.Lorraine,
Gus McLaren, J.Mansfield, T.Moorhead,
A.Peascod, R.Rofe, Ron Rowe, S.Joyce, S.Shiga, Derek Smith, J.Teschendorff, A.Yeoli, S.Inoue,
Val Barry, Russell Collins, John Davies,
D.Burnett, Frank Smith, G.Swindell, A.Mercer.