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Group exhibition on the fabric of female identity: Kay Lawrence, Pierre Mukeba, Cynthia Schwertsik and Jane Skeer
“In the Beginning…” Highlighted the School’s origin at Bloor Court (1982-1988), presenting the work of some of those who contributed to the School’s foundation, including works from the Bloor Court period, and recent works, by Peter Baka, John Hinds, Kay Lawrence, Leo Neuhofer, Christopher Orchard, Anna Platten, Rory Richardson, Rod Taylor and Hossein Valamanesh.
Opened by Jane Burns, A.M., founding director of the Crafts Council of Australia, 8 March 1995.
Opened by Jane Burns, A.M., founding director of the Crafts Council of Australia, 8 March 1995.
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
AGSA annual report
Group exhibition