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Mike Leggett has been working across the institutions of art, education, cinema and television with media since the late-60s. Currently his practice-based research explores the precept of visual mnemonics in the development of tools for ‘interactive montage’ in digital media. He has a Masters of Fine Art (1st class) from the College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales and received an Australian Postgraduate Award to complete in 2009 the PhD program of the Creativity & Cognition Studio in the Faculty of Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney.

He writes and speaks about productions and exhibitions that extend the potential of the newer media technologies, developing in 1999 an interactive multimedia prototype on landscape, memory and identity for the Australian Film Commission.

He has curated exhibitions of interactive multimedia for the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney (Burning the Interface also seen in Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne); the 1996 Brisbane International Film Festival; the 5th International Documentary Conference, Brisbane; and Videotage Festival of Video Art, Hong Kong.

Mike Leggett writes and lectures about media art, contributing to journals (Leonardo; Continuum) , magazines (World Art), online ‘zines (FineArt Forum), and is a regular correspondent for the Australian contemporary arts newspaper RealTime. He has taught interactive multimedia at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and Enmore TAFE and recently he has been guest speaker and lecturer at College of the Arts, University of Sydney; University of Western Sydney Nepean; Key Centre for Cultural Policy Research, Griffith University; University of Technology, Sydney.

He has film and video artwork in archives and collections in Europe, Australia, North and South America and has practiced professionally as an artist, curator, writer, director, producer, editor, photographer, teacher, manager, administrator and computer consultant. He has undertaken consultations for the Australia Council, the National Association for the Visual Arts and the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Cinemedia, Melbourne.

He was a founding member of the London Film-makers Cooperative workshop and the Independent Film-makers Association (UK) and was an active member of the British film and television union (ACTT), and served several terms on the Board of dLux Media Arts (Sydney).


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